, The Sniper Play 1...g6, ...Bg7 and ...c5! Charlie Storey, 2011 

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.I think I just needed abit more belief here, but instead I got J.Heissler-L.carried away and played what even a German Leaguebeginner would call an error! In factany beginner could see the best move 1 e4 g6 2 d4.ltg7 3 c3 d5 4 'bd2 c5 5here - simply double on the d-file.dxc5 'bf6 6 exd5 ýÿxd5 7 'bgf3That's the strange pressure I men­ Instead of Tiviakov's 7 'bb3.tioned earlier that a higher-rated 7.J!Vxc5player can inflict on an opponent.Black regains the pawn and enjoys a22 a1 a5? temporary development advantage.The remaining moves of the game 8'bb3are too painful for me to add - I just The knight has moved twice butgot outplayed.hardly occupies a great square.BlackOf course it's easy to win in analysis, does not have to worry too much aboutbut had I played the 'beginner's' a quick opening attack.22.l:.d7!, the simple and logical move, I 8.:ýÿc7 9.ltb5+ 'bbd7?!could have gained a clear advantage as A er this move White is fully equalI previously showed in the introduc­ again.tion: 23 g4 l:.ad8 24 gxfs gxfs 25 c1 9.'bc6! is better than the text as itcJ;; 26 l:.g1 Ji.f8 27 cJ;; c4 28 'bb4 leaves the bishop a little loose andf7 f1i.xe2+ 29 ýÿxe2 'bas 30 'bbd3 l:!e8 31 there is no way White is going to gaine1.l:i.d1 'bc4, etc.from a c6 capture: 10 0-0 o-o 11.l::!.i.g4 12 h3.l::l.ad8 with better prospectsIn the next game White deviates for Black.from Tiviakov's play and Black quickly 10 0-0 0-0 11.l:i.e1 e5 12 g5 e8 13acquires a small advantage.'bbd2 a6 14 xf6 xf6 15 xd7.ltxd793 Th e Sniper16 e4.ii.d6 helps to keep the advantage.g7 17 d8Not the most inspiring of moves.Af­ 31.fster 17.l:!.ac8! Black has great winning Black begins to get some counter­xa4!chances in the ending.play.31.32 xa4 bs is a some­18 :tad1.ii.19 ýÿcs "fle7 20 xe7 what surprising tactic, difficult for ac6:xe7 21 d6 ýÿ8 22 c4 f6 23 b6 human to see but simple for a com­I!ae8 24 c4 g5 45 xc3 l:lxc5 sition with 1 e4 g6 2 d4 g7 3 c3 d5 446 d5 l:tc4 47 ýÿg3 ýÿh6 48 f4 l:!.c6 49 exd5xd5 5 f3 c5.h4.l::i.50 l:i.d7 a8 51 h3 l:th8 52 6 a3a6g5 ýÿh5 53 xh7 f4+ 54 'lt>h3 1-o The best way to meet 6 e2 is withThis game saw Black acquire the 6.cxd4.For example, 7 cxd4 f6 8 c3two bishops, although White's central­ 'iWd6 (the best square for the queen) 9ized pieces were equal to them.Black o-o o-o 10b3 c6 11 d1 'iWb4 (Blackhad some good opportunities to fight is well placed to have slightly the betterfor the advantage - specifically 9.c6 of the ending) 12 d5 13 axb3xb3can be recommended.b4 14 f4 e8 15 e3 a6 16 d4ac7 17 db5 xb5 18 xb5 a6 19The Main Line: c3 -V2, Zhang Pengxiang-Ni Hua,White Plays 4 exds Budapest 2000.When we consider thatThe following two games will show a Pengxiang was rated nearly 200 pointsgood way of playing against the c3- higher than his opponent, this has toSicilian, which could feature in the be viewed as a very success l openingSniper if White plays in this manner.for Black.6.cxd4 7 b57 c4 is the other main try forWhite:· a) A er some analysis I've con­cluded that I cannot recommend thepopular 7.e4+?!, because of 8.i.e31 e4 c5 2 c3 d5 3 exd5 'i!i'xd5 4 d4 g6 5 h6 9 cxd4 o-o 10 b5 c6 11 c7f5 12 xa8 fxd4 13 c1 g4 14f3 g7c7 xf3 leading to complicationswhich are favourable for White.b) Instead Black should play7.which is the best square ford8!,the queen.A er 8 'iVb3 e6 9 f4 f6 10b5 o-o 11 bxd4 (when White movesbackwards from b5 with this knight, itis a sign that his early opening aggres­sion has not worked) 11.c6 12 xc6bxc6 13 o-o d5 14 g3 Black isb6by no means worse.SMOT: But this time it is a Deferred 7.a6 8 bxd495 Th e SniperA simple development count is in 13 ýÿe1 ýÿxe2 14 ýÿxe2 e6 15 e3 b6 16Black's favour and shows that he has d4 ýÿfc8 17 lt:ie5 lt:ie8 18 f4 lt:iac7 19done something right in the opening, lt:ixc7 lt:ixc7 20 c4 lt:ie8 21 b3.i:ld8 22even though White gets good central­ d1 f6 23 ctJf3 f2 bswin this position and White can con­ 13.l:.ac8 is also extremely good forsider himself very lucky to have drawn Black.after being outplayed in the opening.14 ttJcs12 etJa4 It is Black's willingness to trade hisWinning a central pawn with 12 e6-bishop for a knight that will securej,xdS?! may look attractive.However, him a good advantage.ýÿb6 15 xe6 fxe6Black crashes through on d4, with his 14rook applying long-range support.For The most important factor in chessexample, 12.l:.ad8 13 Ji.xe6 fxe6 14 is who has the safer king - immediatelyetJa4 ýÿaS+ 15 ac3 cxd4 16 xd4 or potentially.Here we see that Black.ixes!! 17 fxes xd4.gains in his attack on the weaker whiteking as a result of allowing his e6-bishop to be traded.The pawn in­creases its value as it is now a centralpawn, and also the centre is blockedwhich somewhat neutralizes White'spotential two-bishop advantage.Infact, Black has the 'not two-bishop' ad­vantage! I hope I have enlightenedreaders as to why the 2569-ratedGrandmaster was so keen to allowWhite to capture his e6-bishop.The white king is looking very bare 16 Ji.e3 g5101 The Sniper16.'bxe3! is the best move: 17 ner.Sniper players prefer to place theirýÿxe3 gs 18 i.g4 'iti>h8 highlights the pawns aggressively in the centre onlyweaker position of the white king and when there is something tangible to beensures Black's advantage.Note that gained.They avoid being overly specu­19 xe6 is met by a discovered attack lative as they know this can leave fa­from the queen on b6, while 19 f1 is tally weak squares behind.answered by 19.xes!!.The next game sees a transpositionto the previous one at move five.Whitedeviates with 9 'Df3, Black answerswith a quick.g4 and then againthrows everything he can at d4.This isa simple and highly effective plan thatall Sniper players should look to im­plement against White's central pawnstructure [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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