, Katie Brazelton Character Makeover 

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.Stress is basically a problem of toomuch: too much to do, too many people to take care of, too many conflict-ing priorities, too many problems to solve.From a stress survey conducted in 2006 by the American PsychologicalAssociation, here are the top five stressors:" Sick family member" Money" Your own health" Children" WorkIf you re in the growing population of people caring for aging parents,you could write a book on stress! Money is a stressor, both when you don thave enough and when you have too much.Your health is a stressor, whetheryou re trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle or deal with an illness.Childrenare a stressor, both to a married couple and to a single parent.Work mayhave stress inherent in it, or it might simply add stress because it doesn t leaveyou enough disposable time in a day.TOP TEN DE-STRESSORSStress is part and parcel of life on earth.Yes, specific examples may vary, butthe realities are the same.So, how did Jesus handle stress? Mark 6 depictsboth the types of stress Jesus encountered as well as how he responded.Hisresponses to stress provide ten solid principles as to how we can de-stress inhealthy ways.1.Don t add to your stress; start eliminating.According to Mark s gospel account, Jesus went to Nazareth and tried toteach.After the townspeople listened to their hometown boy for a while,153 Part : The Making of a Right Relationship to Othersthey were  offended at him because he sounded so authoritative.Jesusknew he would be unable to do any major work among his own people, sohe didn t force the issue. He could not do any miracles there, except lay hishands on a few sick people and heal them (Mark 6:5).Think about how much of your own stress is self-inflicted when youcontinue to do things you should be eliminating.Have you overcommittedto something that will take more effort than it s worth? Are you demand-ing too much of yourself by trying to do more than one person s work? Ifyou are expending a lot of effort on a losing cause, or if you are trapped in aproject that s sapping all your energy, maybe it s time to put yourself out ofyour misery and release it to God.Conclusion: It takes self-control to resist overcommitment.2.Remove some stress by delegating.Jesus didn t try to do everything himself.Look at Mark 6:7  13 where wesee Jesus sending out the twelve disciples to preach and heal:Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two and gavethem authority over evil spirits.8These were his instructions:  Take nothing for the journey except astaff  no bread, no bag, no money in your belts.9Wear sandals but not anextra shirt.10Whenever you enter a house, stay there until you leave thattown.11And if any place will not welcome you or listen to you, shake the dustoff your feet when you leave, as a testimony against them.12They went out and preached that people should repent.13They drove outmany demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them.Jesus equipped his disciples, prepared them, and then released them togo and share his workload.Think about people in your life to whom you candelegate: coworkers, committee members, husband, children, and friends.In order to delegate effectively, you must give up your need to have thingsdone exactly the way you would do them.Other people may not operate inthe same way as you (or as well as you do!), but until you say,  So be it,and allow them to step in and take care of some things on your behalf, youcould be hanging on to some unnecessary stress.Conclusion: It takes self-control to resist overcontrolling.154 Self- Control Day : How to Reduce Stress3.Release your stress by rejuvenating.After the disciples returned from their journeys, Jesus said,  Come with meby yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest (Mark 6:31).Somethingelse very significant had just happened: Jesus good friend, John the Baptist,had been beheaded by King Herod.With the news of that tragedy, coupledwith the exhaustion of their mission trips, it was important to rejuvenate.During stressful seasons, inject calming, soothing experiences.Be sure toget daily rest by sleeping well and weekly rest by taking a Sabbath.You canget other periodic rest by going on a retreat, spending time with friends, orscheduling enjoyable activities.Conclusion: It takes self-control to resist overactivity.4.Refocus on your passion when stress is escalating.As you read what happened next in Jesus long day, put yourself in his placeand think of how you would react when your stress escalates.For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time toeat.32So they departed to a deserted place.33and many knew him andran there on foot.34And Jesus, when he came out, saw a great multitudeand was moved with compassion for them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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