, rituel of devil 

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.They totally ignore the fact that they are responsible to God andthat they will have to account for all their actions in the hereafter.Themost effective means of turning such people away from violence andterrorism, therefore, is in addressing the ignorance that directs themdown that road in the first place.While most nations turn to law-en-forcement agencies, and political and economic strategies when deal-ing with terrorism, none of these are sufficient to resolve the problemon their own.What really needs to be done is to destroy the ideologicalfoundation of terrorism.That requires a war on the level of ideasagainst all ideologies that promote hatred and anger, and their replace-ment with the moral virtues taught by religion.As we have seen throughout the course of this book, Darwinism is 112TERRORISM: THE RITUAL OF THE DEVILthe principle foundation of such ideologies.The only reason why thattheory, which has today lost all scientific credibility, and has beenshown to be devoid of all reason and logic, is still being artificially keptalive, is an ideological attachment to it.When that foundation is even-tually done away with, therefore, the ideologies built on it will neces-sarily collapse.For that reason, the war of ideas against Darwinism isessential for bringing peace and security to mankind.One important strategy of that war consists of revealing the truesource of the ideologies in question, together with all their errors anddeceptions.Another important stage is explaining the morality of reli-gion, which will bring with it true peace and security.Since most peo-ple today have little idea of what the true religion is, they fall under theinfluence of atheism.That is why explaining the true religion, and thepresentation of the morality commanded by God to the entire world, isthe duty of every person who knows and lives by it.Today, in the world as a whole, the system of the Antichrist pre-vails, in other words, anarchy, strife and chaos are rife.Throughout his-tory, God has destroyed a great many evil and corrupt communities.All societies and movements founded on cruelty and ruthlessness,which resort to violence and terrorism and oppress others, face thesame inevitable end.All anarchists and terrorist are doomed to de-struction.All nations that support anarchy and terror will be elimi-nated.Cruelty can never endure.This is how the end of a wrongdoingsociety is described in the Qur'an,So the last remnant of the people who did wrong was cut off.Praisebelongs to God, the Lord of all the worlds! (Qur'an, 6: 45)The Antichrist will also come to the same end.Of that there is nodoubt.Those who resort to violence and terrorism must therefore turnaway from them for fear of suffering the same fate.God reveals that Hewill forgive those who repent for their sins and turn towards that 113Conclusionwhich is good.God will not hold them responsible for actions theycommitted out of ignorance or because they did not know the moralityof religion.God is merciful and compassionate.So those who promoteanarchy and harm other people must not think that it is "too late to turnback." It is never too late to turn away from anarchy and terror.All theyneed do is to repent to God, with a sincere heart, and stop what they aredoing.The following verse reveals how God promises to forgive thosewho commit evil out of ignorance and then seek forgiveness:When those who believe in Our Signs come to you, say, "Peace beupon you!' God has made mercy incumbent on Himself.If anyoneamong you does evil out of ignorance and then afterwards repentsand puts things right, He is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.(Qur'an,6: 54) 114very detail in this universe points to a superior creation.Bycontrast, materialism, which seeks to deny the fact of cre-ation in the universe, is nothing but an unscientific fallacy.Once materialism is invalidated, all other theories based on thisphilosophy are rendered baseless.Foremost of them is Darwinism,that is, the theory of evolution.This theory, which argues that lifeoriginated from inanimate matter through coincidences, has beendemolished with the recognition that the universe was created byGod.American astrophysicist Hugh Ross explains this as follows:Atheism, Darwinism, and virtually all the "isms" emanating from theeighteenth to the twentieth century philosophies are built upon the as-sumption, the incorrect assumption, that the universe is infinite.Thesingularity has brought us face to face with the cause  or causer  be-yond/behind/before the universe and all that it contains, includinglife itself.45It is God Who created the universe and Who designed it down to 115The Evolution Deceptionits smallest detail.Therefore, it is impossible for the theory of evolu-tion, which holds that living beings are not created by God, but areproducts of coincidences, to be true.Unsurprisingly, when we look at the theory of evolution, we seethat this theory is denounced by scientific findings.The design inlife is extremely complex and striking.In the inanimate world, forinstance, we can explore how sensitive are the balances which atomsrest upon, and further, in the animate world, we can observe in whatcomplex designs these atoms were brought together, and how extra-ordinary are the mechanisms and structures such as proteins, en-zymes, and cells, which are manufactured with them.This extraordinary design in life invalidated Darwinism at theend of the 20th century.We have dealt with this subject in great detail in some of ourother studies, and shall continue to do so.However, we think that,considering its importance, it will be helpful to make a short sum-mary here as well.The Scientific Collapse of DarwinismTheScientificCollapseofDarwinismAlthough a doctrine going back as far as ancient Greece, the the-ory of evolution was advanced extensively in the 19th century.Themost important development that made the theory the top topic ofthe world of science was the book by Charles Darwin titled TheOrigin of Species published in 1859.In this book, Darwin denied thatdifferent living species on the earth were created separately by God.According to Darwin, all living beings had a common ancestor andthey diversified over time through small changes.Darwin's theory was not based on any concrete scientific finding;as he also accepted, it was just an "assumption." Moreover, as Darwinconfessed in the long chapter of his book titled "Difficulties of theTheory," the theory was failing in the face of many critical questions. 116TERRORISM: THE RITUAL OF THE DEVILDarwin invested all his hopes in new scientific discoveries,which he expected to solve the "Difficulties of the Theory."However, contrary to his expectations, scientific findings expandedthe dimensions of these difficulties.The defeat of Darwinism against science can be reviewed underthree basic topics:1) The theory can by no means explain how life originated on theearth [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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