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.The request has succeeded.The information returned with theresponse depends on the method used in the request.17201 HTTP 201 Created.The request has been fulfilled and resulted in a new resourcebeing created.17202 HTTP 202 Accepted.The request has been accepted for processing, but theprocessing has not been completed.17204 HTTP 204 No content.The server has fulfilled the request, but there is no newinformation to send back.17300 HTTP 300 Multiple choices.The requested resource is available at one or morelocations.17301 HTTP 301 Moved permanently.The requested resource has been assigned anew permanent URL, and any future references to this resource should usethat URL.17302 HTTP 302 Moved temporarily.The requested resource resides temporarily undera different URL.17304 HTTP 304 Not modified.The client has performed a conditional GET request andaccess is allowed, but the document has not been modified since the date andtime specified in the If-Modified-Since field.17400 HTTP 400 Bad request.The server could not understand the request because ofincorrect syntax.17401 HTTP 401 Unauthorized.The request requires user authentication.17403 HTTP 403 Forbidden.The server understood the request but is refusing tofulfill it.17404 HTTP 404 Not found.The server has not found anything matching theRequest-URL.17500 HTTP 500 Internal server error.The server encountered an unexpected conditionthat prevented it from fulfilling the request.17501 HTTP 501 Not implemented.The server does not work with the functionalityrequired to fulfill the request.17502 HTTP 502 Bad gateway.The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, receivedan invalid response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting tofulfill the request.Internet Developers Toolkit for G B-4 © National Instruments Corporation Appendix B Error CodesTable B-1.Error Codes (Continued)Code Type Description17503 HTTP 503 Service unavailable.The server is currently unable to deal with therequest because of a temporary overload or maintenance of the server.18000 URL Invalid URL protocol.© National Instruments Corporation B-5 Internet Developers Toolkit for G CCustomer CommunicationFor your convenience, this appendix contains forms to help you gather the information necessaryto help us solve your technical problems and a form you can use to comment on the productdocumentation.When you contact us, we need the information on the Technical Support Form andthe configuration form, if your manual contains one, about your system configuration to answer yourquestions as quickly as possible.National Instruments has technical assistance through electronic, fax, and telephone systems to quicklyprovide the information you need.Our electronic services include a bulletin board service, an FTP site,a fax-on-demand system, and e-mail support.If you have a hardware or software problem, first try theelectronic support systems.If the information available on these systems does not answer yourquestions, we offer fax and telephone support through our technical support centers, which are staffedby applications engineers.Electronic ServicesBulletin Board SupportNational Instruments has BBS and FTP sites dedicated for 24-hour support with a collection of filesand documents to answer most common customer questions.From these sites, you can also downloadthe latest instrument drivers, updates, and example programs.For recorded instructions on how to usethe bulletin board and FTP services and for BBS automated information, call 512 795 6990.You canaccess these services at:United States: 512 794 5422Up to 14,400 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parityUnited Kingdom: 01635 551422Up to 9,600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parityFrance: 01 48 65 15 59Up to 9,600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parityFTP SupportTo access our FTP site, log on to our Internet host, ftp.natinst.com, as anonymous and useyour Internet address, such as joesmith@anywhere.com, as your password.The support files anddocuments are located in the /support directories.© National Instruments Corporation C-1 Internet Developers Toolkit for G Fax-on-Demand SupportFax-on-Demand is a 24-hour information retrieval system containing a library of documents on a widerange of technical information.You can access Fax-on-Demand from a touch-tone telephone at512 418 1111.E-Mail Support (Currently USA Only)You can submit technical support questions to the applications engineering team through e-mail at theInternet address listed below.Remember to include your name, address, and phone number so we cancontact you with solutions and suggestions.support@natinst.comTelephone and Fax SupportNational Instruments has branch offices all over the world.Use the list below to find the technicalsupport number for your country.If there is no National Instruments office in your country, contactthe source from which you purchased your software to obtain support [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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