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.Therefore, I must study.2 Yes, I can hear the sound of traffic at the moment.~ No, I can t hear thesound of traffic at the moment.3 Yes, my house is completely silent at night.~ No, my house isn t completelysilent at night; I can hear street noise.4 The difference between a and an is that we use a before a consonantsound whereas we use an before a vowel sound.It s right to say an hour.No, I didn t fail to answer the last question; I succeeded in answering thelast question.7 The opposite of to fail an exam is to pass an exam ,8 Yes, I had to get up early yesterday morning ~ No I didn t have to get upearly yesterday morning.9 It s right to say You mustn t smoke in this building.10 No, I don t have to study ten hours a day if I want to learn English.11 We sometimes form a noun from a verb by adding the letters er to theverb.12 No, I m not a complete beginner in English; I began.13 My favourite writer is &14 Yes, I hope I ll live a very long time.~ No, I don t hope I ll live a very longtime.No, I don t believe everything people tell me; some things I believe and somethings I disbelieve.The difference between to do the shopping and to go shopping is that to do the shopping means to buy the things that are necessary for thehouse, such as food etc., whereas to go shopping means to visit shopsgenerally.17 Yes, I sometimes go shopping and come home with nothing.~ No, I nevergo shopping and come home with nothing; I always buy something.18 Yes, good news puts a smile on my face.19 The three forms of an English verb are the present, the past and the pastparticiple.20 The three forms of give are give, gave, given.Demonstration ChartsChart 612 123.00.9 3 9 312 123.30.9 3 9 312 124.02 9 3 7.18 9 3a eui oChart 612 123.10.9 3 9 312 123.40.9 3 9 312 129.28 9 3 11.32 9 3Chart 81st CONDITIONAL+ +I IIF I GO TO THE PARK TOMORROW,2nd CONDITIONAL+ +IIF I WENT TO THE PARK TOMORROW,Chart 8=I I I YI WILL PLAY FOOTBALLThis sentence means that I think there isa real possibility that I will go to the parktomorrow, and, if I do, I will play football.=Y I I II WOULD PLAY FOOTBALLThis sentence means that I think it isvery improbable that I will go to the parktomorrow; I am only imagining it.Index1st conditional.310 comedy.278 interest.2nd conditional.311 common.211.293 interested.287a friend of yours.communicate.for.271 interesting.287aeroplane company.242 foreign.232 internet.304'.293 computer.304 found.'.213again.construction.310 fun.299 'against.291 contain.222 funny.299.'.270 continue.280 future tense.237.308age.274 could.garden.279 keep.280all the time.229 crime.270 geographical.217 keep a promise.among.287 dance.308 get.217 kept.army.221 death.242 get married.274 keyhole.290around.decide.248 get to.218 kill.241art.222 destroy.go shopping.lake.artist.222 die.220 gone.291 laugh.Australia.different forms of got.life.242.274.great.list.232 do the shopping.guilty.270 listen.229baby.doctor.218 had.little.become.217 document.hadn t.lose.bedtime.212 dog.happen.289 lost.294been.done.308 hard.lots of.232been.291 doubt.301.' '.280beginner.dream dreamt + lucky.'.dreamt.279 '.270.248.287 duration.head.242 +bicycle.228 each other.hear.229 +big.easily.249.277bike.228 egg.hell.249 make money.221bird.293 else.307 help.marry.274211blood.242 enemy.hill.mathematical.217book.249.290 historical.217 maybe.bore.examination hole.290 mean.281bored.287 x.hope.medicine.229boring.287 x.272 hotel.298 menu.248branch.exercise.243 hungry.217 middle.223break a promise.experience.270 I.270 mistake.228bridge.explain.249 I.motorbike.228Britain.express.212 if.301 museum.290broad.212 fact.217 ill.229 music.308build.222 factory.297 imagine.310 nature.233bush.233 fail.impossible.249 necessarily.281business.232 fast.307 improbable.310 neither.nor.224by mistake.301 fat.294 in 3 months.229castle.230 time.238.248cat.feel.222 in company.242 nightmare.279centre.223 fetch.218 in general.281 noise.217change.213 ''.222 in particular.281 noisy.chocolate.242 '.in public.240 obtain.218chocolates.242.in the past.242 offer.242'.291 + information.304 one.281cloudy.233 something innocent.270 one another.coal.248 +.277 intelligent.291 ordinary.297cold.229.211 intention.289 paint.297park.310 soldier.221 to be going to.289pass.song.299.234past participle.soon.289 tonight.244perhaps.sorry.too many.physical.221 sound.too much.222, 272planet.speaker.pleased.speed.303 try.249police.310 spell.try hard.249police station.310 spoken.turn.244policeman.sport.turn off.304poor.212 stay.239 turn on.304popular.248 stay.298.244possibility.310 story.212 uniform.221possible.249 strong.221 until.practice.struggle.303 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |