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.ÿþthe only former Roman Catholic priest among Virginia s clergymen.At least two others JohnGarzia and Anthony Gavin, both possibly of Spanish origins also abjured Catholicism in favor ofthe Church of England.For Garzia, see Fulham Papers, 42:29a; Richmond County Court OrderBook No.9, 7 June 1727, 351; Order Book No.10, 3 September 1733, 123; James Blair to Bishop ofLondon, 7 July 1724, Fulham Papers, 12:21; James Blair to Bishop of London, 17 March 1733, ibid.,12:198.For Gavin, see note 23 above and St.James Northam Parish Vestry Minutes, 1744 49, 2 25;Henrico Parish Vestry Minutes, 28 September 1735, 8, 18 July 1736, 15; Fulham Papers, 12:203 5, 231,42:33a; and Van Horne, Religious Philanthropy, 338.68.William Byrd II to Col.Martin Bladen, 13 June 1729, Tinling, Correspondence of Byrds, 1:407;  The Secret History of the Line by William Byrd II,  in Wendy Martin, ed., Colonial American TravelNarratives (New York, 1994), 78 172.69.Alexander, Fontaine Journal, 7, 8, 26, 27, 123, 177n; Fulham Papers, 12:59, 13:245 46; Goodwin,Colonial Church, 269; Weis, 18 19.In 1754 Peter Fontaine counted six grandchildren; two years laterhe had another child of his own.Spruill, Women s Life and Work, 48 49.70.Tinling, Correspondence of Byrds,1:407; Elizabeth Hill Carter Byrd to William Byrd III,16 August1757, ibid., 2:626.71.Alexander, Fontaine Journal, 7, 21, 131 32; Alumni Dubl, 303; Reese, Fauquier Papers, 2:941n; FulhamPapers, 12:58.Francis Fontaine was honored by being appointed chaplain to the House of Burgessesfor the 1728, 1730, 1732, and 1734 sessions.JHB, 6:6, 36, 59, 89, 118, 173, 216.Professing   oriental lan-guages  meant knowing enough Hebrew to instruct students preparing for the ministry.Mary AnnMaury, his sister, was much distressed by his second marriage to the daughter of a gunsmith, whoseemed to have   entire dominion  over him.Spruill, Women s Life and Work, 62.72.Alexander, Fontaine Journals, 7, 8, 26, 27, 131 32; Alumni Dubl, 303; Fulham Papers, 12:58; JohnClement, comp.,   Clergymen Licensed Overseas by the Bishops of London,1696 1710 and1715 1716, HMPEC 16 (1947): 331; John Clement, comp.,   Anglican Clergymen Licensed to the American Colo-nies, 1710 1744,  ibid.17 (1948): 211, 228.James, the father of Peter and Francis, wrote a memoir ofhis life.James Fontaine, A Tale of the Huguenots: Or, Memoirs of a French Refugee Family Translated and Compiledfrom the Original Manuscripts of James Fontaine, [Ann Maury, comp.] (New York, 1838).For Huguenots inIreland, see Acheson, Church of Ireland, 40 41.73.Brock, Huguenot Documents, 122 23.74.Ibid., 122 23; Fredericksville Parish Vestry Minutes, 20 May 1751, 34; 8 February 1770, 89;Fulham Papers, 13:4 5, 42:10, 33a; Va.Gaz.(Purdie and Dixon), 24 August 1769.75.William Robinson to the Bishop of London, 12 August 1765, Fulham Papers, 14:64 65.76.Dumas Malone, Jefferson the Virginian, vol.1 (1948) of Jefferson and His Time, 6 vols.(Boston, 194881), 40 46.Jonathan Boucher claimed Maury as his close friend, thought him a   singularly ingeniousand worthy man,  and wrote verse and prose pieces for Maury s evaluation.Boucher, Reminiscences ofan American Loyalist, 1738 1789: Being the Autobiography of the Revd.Jonathan Boucher, Rector of Annapolis in Mary-land and Afterwards Vicar of Epsom, Surrey, England, ed.Jonathan Bouchier (Boston and New York, 1925),60 61.Carl Bridenbaugh believes that one of the pieces Maury wrote for Boucher   A Treatise onEducation   is   the most significant cultural document dealing with the colonial society of theChesapeake.  Bridenbaugh, Myths and Realities: Societies of the Colonial South (Baton Rouge, La., 1952), 37.See also Morton, Colonial Virginia, 2:576 78.Another parson s views on the education appropriatefor Virginians are found in Hugh Jones, The Present State of Virginia from Whence Is Inferred a Short View ofMaryland and North Carolina, ed.Richard L.Morton (Chapel Hill, N.C., 1956), 81.77.Fulham Papers, 25:207, 211, 215, 34:260, 38:23a, 72a; Brock, Huguenot Documents, 123; Fredericks-ville Parish Vestry Minutes, 24 December 1769, 89; WMQ 1st ser., 10 (1901): 123; Weis, 36.WalkerMaury, another son of James and brother of Matthew, attended William and Mary, was ordained,and served Norfolk Parish immediately following the Revolution.WMQ1st ser.,13 (1905):155; Meade,1:273.78.Reese, Fauquier Papers, 2:940 41; Fulham Papers, 24:172 73,183, 38:12, 71; WMQ1st ser., 8 (1899):50; Petsworth Parish Vestry Minutes, 8 December 1762, 330, 18 September 1764, 337; Weis, 18.79.Va.Gaz.(Purdie and Dixon), 24 August 1769.80.A.G.Roeber,    The Origin of Whatever Is Not English Among Us : The Dutch-Speaking.notes to pages 98 100 377 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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