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.ÿþaffluence and depression, 1926 1939 2431909 plans for Chicago.In 1909, Bennett struck out on his own.In1924, he formed the architectural and planning firm of Bennett,Parsons and Frost.Coinciding with Bennett s studies, the Commission of Fine Arts,through its secretary Charles Moore, made suggestions to SecretaryMellon.The commission s plans provided for  a practically continu-ous line of buildings from the Capitol to Fifteenth Street, connectedby arched passageways on the upper stories. One of the major fea-tures of the Commission plan was the creation of a great plaza atthe intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and Fifteenth Street.Thearrangement was to be similar to that of the Louvre and Palais Royalin Paris, with long public buildings, measuring 1,500 feet or morein length (figure 8.1).These should be of the  highest possible char-acter and  represent the dignity and the power of the nation.According to the Commission, the treatment of the Federal Tri-angle area involved a  virtual extension of the Mall to PennsylvaniaAvenue, so the great central composition shall have harmonioustreatment throughout the entire area. In order to accomplish thisplan, the commission recommended that language in a pendingdeficiency bill make a provision for the treatment of the area fromThird Street to Fifteenth Street as a single entity.15After Bennett had completed several studies of the Triangle area,the Treasury Department determined that  the problems involvedwere of such a nature that it would be wise to create a Board ofFigure 8.1Architectural Consultants to deal generally with the various situa-Proposed new federaltions which might arise. The board was composed initially ofbuildings, FederalArthur Brown Jr.of San Francisco; Milton B.Medary Jr.of theTriangle, Washington,Philadelphia firm Zantzinger, Borie & Medary; William A.Delano ofD.C., Board ofthe New York City firm Delano & Aldrich; Louis Ayers of the NewArchitecturalYork City firm York & Sawyer; and Louis A.Simon of the SupervisingConsultants.CourtesyArchitect s Office.Later John Russell Pope of New York City was National Archives [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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