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.ÿþthe gilded age, 1875 1894 139Figure 5.12difficulties in former methods, that have probably escaped yourU.S.custom house andnotice.post office, Galveston,Texas, 1888 1891, MifflinThe American Architect responded to Moser s letters by noting hisE.Bell.Courtesy great ingenuity and pointing to his design for a building to houseNational Archives.the American Institute of Architects in New York, published in 1884.Moser s aia building was designed as a historic facade  where everyepoch in architectural history shall be represented by details from thebest examples now obtainable, following each other in a regular andorderly sequence. The American Architect directed attention toMoser s aia building design as an indication of Moser s  earnestness,sincerity and lavish expenditure of time and thought but the resultsfor the Detroit building could not be accorded similar respect.83As for Bell, the American Architect s remarks caused him to statethat the design had  not yet been  passed by me and that he pos-sessed neither the time nor disposition to enter into a newspaper dis-cussion as to its merits or demerits. 84 Bell s claim that he had not ap-proved of the design when it was held up to ridicule was a responsethat he made on other occasions.For example, when dissatisfactionwas expressed regarding the new government building at Concord, [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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