, World Without Cancer The Story Of Vitamin b17 G Edward Griffin 

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.One of the inter-office memorandums found in those files1.Ambruster, Treason's Peace, op.cit., p.89.Also see Sasuly, I.G.Farben, op.cit.,p.95, 96.explained quite bluntly how the cartel had attempted to conceal CONSPIRACY 215214 WORLD WITHOUT CANCER: Part Twoalso was on the board of these I.G.holding companies.Butnamed, but too busy with other matters to serve in a genuineRockefeller was more deeply involved than that.In 1938, thecapacity.Securities and Exchange Commission began a lengthy investiga-As part of the camouflage, Schmitz turned to his bankingtion of American I.G.Walter Teagle, a member of the board, wasexpert in Switzerland, Edward Greutert, and formed a Swisscalled to the witness stand.Mr.Teagle, as you recall, was alsocorporation called Internationale Gessellschaft fur Chemischepresident of Rockefeller's Standard Oil.Under questioning, Mr.Unternehmungen A.G., more commonly known as I.G.Chemie.Teagle claimed that he did not know who owned control of theT.R.Fehrenbach, in The Swiss Banks, described the elaboratecompany he served as a director.He did not know how manyprecautions in this way:shares were held by I.G.Chemie, or who owned I.G.Chemie.InThe best North Atlantic legal firms, with offices in London,fact, he had the audacity to say that he didn't have any idea whoParis, Berlin, Amsterdam, and New York, were paid to study theowned the block of 500,000 shares worth over a half-a-millionproblem.These firms had contacts or colleagues in Basel, Lausanne,Fribourg, and Zurich.They got together.It was quite simple to plan dollars that had been issued in his name!a succession of "Swiss" corporations to inherit licenses, assets, andMr.Teagle, of course, was either lying, or suffering from apatents owned by certain international cartels.This was to muddyclassical case of convenient amnesia.Evidence was introducedthe track and to confuse all possible investigating governments.later showing that, in 1932, he had received a letter from WilfriedThe transactions themselves were incredibly complex.SomeGreif, Farben's managing director, stating in plain English: "I.G.of them will probably never be known in their entirety.EdwardChemie is, as you know, a subsidiary of I.G.Farben."(1)Greutert and his bank, and a large number of "desk-drawer"Also brought out in the investigation was the fact that on Maycorporations formed through Greutert's services, became Schmitz'27, 1930, while Teagle was in London, he received a cable fromagents.Mr.Frank Howard, vice-president of Standard Oil, carrying thisSchmitz, who can only be described as a financial wizard, mademessage:a weird and wonderful financial structure in Basel involving adozen corporations and sixty-five accounts in the Greutert Bank.In view of the fact that we have repeatedly denied any financialEach account was in a different name.Some were for the paperinterest in American I.G., it seems to me to be unwise for us to nowcorporations, and some were in the names of corporation groups orpermit them to include us as stockholders in their original listingsyndicates the European term is consortia.These consortia werewhich is object of present transaction.It would serve their purposeowned by each other in a never-ending circle, and by Greutert andto issue this stock to you personally.Will this be agreeable to youFarben executives.(1)as a temporary measure?(2)The final step in this planned deception was to go through theFinally, in June of 1941, after three years of investigation, themotions of selling its American-based companies to I.G.Chemie.Securities and Exchange Commission gave up the cause.EitherThus, in the event of war, these companies would appear to bebecause it was baffled by the cartel's camouflage (unlikely) orSwiss owned (a neutral country) and with thoroughly Americanbecause it yielded to pressure from the cartel's friends high inleadership [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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