, Hegel (Routledge Philosophers) Frederick Beiser 

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.15, maintains that Hegel  bans the concept of mimesisfrom aesthetics.23 See Bubner (1980), p.30.24 See the defense of Hegel s theory by Rapp (2000), Hofstadter (1974), Danto(1984) and Harries (1974).For a defense of romanticism against Hegel scritique, see Bowie (1990) and Norman (2000).25 See the interesting collection of essays edited by Lang (1984).26 The origin of this phrase seems to have been Croce, who in his influentialAesthetica wrote that Hegel  proclaimed the morality, nay, the very death, of art.See Croce (1978), p.302.Carter (1980), p.94, suggests that one reason for theprevalence of the death of art interpretation was that the early Osmaton transla-tion of the Aesthetics translated  Kunst sich selbst aufhebt as  art commits an act ofsuicide.27 Bosanquet (1919 20), pp.280 8; d Hondt (1972); Carter (1980), pp.83 98;Desmond (1986), p.13; Etter (2000), pp.39 40; and Müller (1946), p.51.EPILOGUE THE RISE AND FALL OF THE HEGELIAN SCHOOL1 See Toews (1980), pp.232 4 and McLellan (1969), pp.15 16, 22 4, 25.2 This becomes most visible in Karl Köppen s tract Friedrich der Grosse (Leipzig:1840).See McLellan (1969), p.16.3 See Toews (1980), p.233; and McLellan (1969), p.15.4 Toews (1980), pp.95 140, esp.p.84.5 For a further exploration of some of these religious issues, see Toews (1980),pp.141 202, and Brazill, The Young Hegelians (1970), pp.48 70.6 D.F.Strauss, Streitschriften (Tübingen, 1841), III, p.95.7 See Toews (1992), pp.387 91.8 Brazill (1970), pp.17 18, seems to me to be incorrect in arguing that thedivisions between the Hegelian school did not result from any ambiguity inHegel s philosophy.This underrates the interpretative problems regardingHegel s dictum about the rationality of the real.9 The distinction is in Enzyklopädie §6.10 MEGA, XXI, 266 8.11 Toews (1980), pp.223 4, 234 5.12 Ibid., p.235.13 McLellan (1969), pp.3, 6; and Brazill (1970), pp.7, 53.14 McLellan (1969), p.24.The new critical developments of the 1840s are wellsummarized by Stepelvich (1983), pp.12 15.15 Toews (1980), pp.223 4. Further ReadingThese suggestions for further reading are very selective and made with a begin-ning student in mind.For obvious reasons, they focus on English sources; I men-tion German and French ones only when it is important to know about them.Students who are interested in a general bibliography should consult Steinhauer(1980) and Weiss (1973), though they are now out of date.GENERAL INTRODUCTIONSThere are several good general introductions to Hegel in English.The best com-prehensive treatment, though it is very lengthy, is Charles Taylor s Hegel (1975).Anexcellent shorter introduction is Stephen Houlgate s Freedom, Truth and History:An Introduction to Hegel s Philosophy (1991).Raymond Plant s Hegel (1973) is also anadmirable general introduction from the perspective of Hegel s social and politicalconcerns.Ivan Soll s An Introduction to Hegel s Metaphysics (1969) provides a very clearbut brief introduction to some aspects of Hegel s metaphysics.CULTURE AND CONTEXTIndispensable for the general historical background is Sheehan (1989), and for thegeneral cultural context Bruford (1935).The political developments of the periodare treated by Aris (1936), Epstein (1966) and Beiser (1992).The pantheismcontroversy and nihilism are treated in Beiser (1987).For the development ofGerman idealism before Hegel, see Royce (1919), Kroner (1921), Ameriks(2000a), Beiser (2002) and Pinkard (2002).INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENTUnfortunately, the best studies of Hegel s intellectual development are in Germanand untranslated.Kaufmann (1966) is very uneven and dated; Nauen (1971) isilluminating but very brief.The older German treatments  Rosenkranz (1844),Haym (1857), Dilthey (1921), Haering (1929) and Lukács (1973)  are still very 334 Further Readingmuch worth reading.Rosenkranz and Haym are especially valuable because theyhad access to manuscript sources that have since been lost; however, it is necessaryto use them with caution because they wrongly dated many of the early writings.The modern chronology of Hegel s early writings, indispensable for all study ofHegel s intellectual development, is Gisela Schüler s  Zur Chronologie von HegelsJugendschriften , Hegel-Studien 2 (1963): 111 59.The classic studies in English of Hegel s early intellectual development areHenry Harris s Hegel s Development: Toward the Sunlight, 1770 1801 (1972) and Hegel sDevelopment: Night Thoughts (Jena 1801 1806) (1983).Because of their detail and closescholarship, Harris s studies are best read directly in conjunction with Hegel stexts.They do not serve well as introductions to Hegel s development.Unfortunately, Harris tends to get lost in the details and does not clearly establishor defend his own general viewpoint.The best biography of Hegel  in any language  is Terry Pinkard s Hegel: ABiography (2000).This situates Hegel firmly in his historical context and alsoprovides an illuminating introduction to all aspects of his philosophy.PHENOMENOLOGYThere are many good commentaries in English on the Phenomenology of Spirit.Thebeginner would do well to start with Richard Norman (1976) or Harris (1995) [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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