, Grimoirum Verum 

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.This fill jump up.Then say: I ACCEPT THE PACT.Do not touch the animal with your hand.Place it in a new box, which you have bought for thispurpose, and that withouth bargaining as to price.You must feed the creatue on wheat-husksalone, daily.When you need gold or silver, place as much as you require in the box.Go to bed, with the boxat the side of the bed.Sleep, if you desire, for three or four hours.Rise, then, and you will findthat the money you have placed in the box has been doubled.But what you put first into thebox must be left in it. If it is an ordinary-looking snake, you should not ask for more than one hundred francs at eachtime.If, however, it has a human face, then you will be able to obtain a thousand francs eachtime.If you want to kill the creature, place in the box instead of its daily husks, some of the flourwhich has been used fo the consecration in the first Mass said by the priest.After eating this itwill die.Above all, do not omit anything, because this is not intended as a joke!Garters for DistancesGo out of the house, fasting; march to your left untilyou find a ribbon-seller.Buy one ell ofwhite ribbon.Pay what is asked, and drop a farthing (un liard) into the box.Return home by the same route.Next day do the same, until you have found a seller of pens.Buy one, as you bought the ribbon.When you are locked in your own room, write with yourown blood on the ribbon the characters of the third line on the plan.This is the right garter.Those of the fourth line are for the left.[These are presumably the planetary symbols in theconcentric circles of the plan of the Grimoire.]When this is done, go out.The third day after, take your ribbon and pen, walk to the left untilyou find a pastry cook or bakery.Buy a cake or bread for a halfpenny.Go to the first tavern,order a half bottle of wine, have your glass rinsed three times by the same person, break inthree the cake or bread.Put the three pieces in the glass with wine.Take the first piece and throw it under the tablewithout looking at it, saying IRLY, FOR THEE.Then take the second piece and throw it likewise, saying TERLY, FOR THEE.Write on theother side of the garter the two names of these spirits with your blood.Throw down the thirdpiece, saying, ERLY, FOR THEE.Throw down the pen, drink the wine without eating, pay thecost and go away.Being outside the town, take the garters, make no mistake as to which is the right and which theleft.This is important.Stamp three times with the foot on the ground, pronounce the names ofthe spirits TERLY, ERLY, BALTAZARD, IRLY, MELCHIOR, GASPARD, LET US GO.Then make your trip.To Make a Girl Dance in the NudeWrite on virgin parchment the Character of FRUTIMIERE with the blood of a bat.Then put iton a blessed stone, over which a Mass has been said.After this when you want to use it, placethe character under the sill or threshold of a door which she must pass.When she comes past, she will come in.She will undress and be completely naked, and willdance increasingly until death, if one does not remove the character; with grimaces andcontortions which will cause more pity than desire. To See in a Vision Anything from the Past or FutureThe two N N which you see in the second small circle mark the place where you put your name[see To Make a Girl Come to You.].To know what you will, write the names in the circleon virgin parchment, before sleeping, and put it under your right ear on retiring, saying thefollowing orison:OrisonO Glorious Name of Great God the ever-living, to whom all things are present, I am Thyservant N.Father Eternal, I beg You to send me Thy Holy Angels, who are written in theCircle and that they shall show me what I want to know, by Jesus Christ our Lord.So be itHaving completed the orison, lie down on your right side, and you will see in a dream thatwhich you desire to know.To Nail (an Enemy)Go to a cemetery, remove a nail from an old coffin, saying:Nails, I take you, so that you may serve to turn aside and cause evil to all persons whom I will.In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.Amen.When you wish to use it, you must look for a footprint and making the three figures ofGULAND, SURGAT and MORAIL, fix the nail in the middle saying:Pater noster upto in terra [our father who art on earth]Hit the nail with a stone, saying:Curse evil to N., until I remove thee.Re-cover the place with a little dust, and remember it well, because one cannot remove the evilwhich this causes, but by removing the nail, and saying:I remove thee, so that the evil which thou has caused to N., shall cease.In the Name of theFather, and of the Son.and the Holy Spirit.Amen.Then take the nail out, and efface the characters: not with the same hand as you make them, butwith the other.Thus it will be without danger.FIN [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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