, Abigail Roux Cut&Run 9 Crash & Burn 

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.It forced me to letgo of my past and face my future.And I had to be made blindbefore I could see.Zane swallowed hard and looked down, obviouslyfighting to finish without choking on the words or tearing up.50 Ty realized his own eyes were burning, and it wasn t becauseof the cold wind.Zane squeezed Ty s fingers with one hand,and he met Ty s eyes as he reached into his lapel with his other. I promise to love you until I die, he said, his voice strongagain.He held up a Sharpie he d had in his suit, and pulledTy s hand closer to draw on his ring finger.With severalsweeping motions, he created an infinity sign that looped allthe way around the finger.When he was satisfied with the ring he d drawn, he kissedTy s knuckles and let him go, handing him the Sharpie.Ty grasped the pen, but he couldn t take his eyes off Zane.He ran his thumb over Zane s palm.He had a set of vows he djotted down on a note card, folded up in his pocket, but heleft them where they were and gazed into Zane s eyes, theirpast flashing in front of him, their future opening up in hismind.He took a deep breath. I promise to never leave youalone in the dark, he whispered.He pulled Zane s hand closer and pressed the tip of theSharpie against Zane s skin, curving the symbol for foreveraround it.When he was satisfied, he kissed the tip of Zane sfinger and slid the pen back into his lapel pocket.Freeman coughed and turned a page in his book. Doyou, Zane Zachary Garrett, take this man to be your lawfulwedded husband?Zane s lips curved into a warm smile. I do.Freeman turned toward Ty. Do you, Beaumont TylerGrady, take this man to be your lawful wedded husband? I do, Ty said, almost before the question was finished. Then by the power vested in me by the state of Maryland,I pronounce you legally wed. Freeman slapped his little book51 closed. You may now share the first kiss of the rest of yourlives.Ty had fully expected to have the urge to grab Zane andplant one on him out of sheer impatience and joy, but as hestood staring at his brand-new husband, it was as if they weremoving underwater.He touched the tips of his fingers toZane s cheek, then stepped closer and used both hands to cuphis face with the utmost care.Zane was still smiling when theykissed, and it was slow and gentle, Zane s hands at Ty s ribspulling them flush. Okay, now, Livi whispered somewhere to their side,and a moment later they were both pelted with handfuls ofheart-shaped confetti.Zane laughed and finally wrapped his arms around Ty,squeezing him tight.The others continued to toss the confettiat them, even handing out bits to people passing by so they dbe sure to get covered from all sides.They laughed into thekiss, not caring.They were still locked in their happy embracewhen Deuce turned the box over above them and rained little,bitty hearts down on their heads.52 Chapter 3y got the key into the door just before Zane hit himTfrom behind and pressed him against it.He grinnedand shook his head. I have a surprise for you, he said as Zanekissed his neck. Oh, really? Zane splayed his fingers against the doorbeside Ty s head.The brand-new tattoo on his ring finger wasstill red around the edges.Ty couldn t take his eyes off it.Zanehad worn a gold one in the past, and they d both had silvereven if it had been fake.Ty had also lost or utterly destroyedtwo engagement rings, so Zane had refused to buy him awedding ring, knowing it would just get crushed, cut off, orcost Ty his finger.The only solution, Zane had decided, wasto tattoo it on.Right after the ceremony, they d headed for a local placeowned by an artist friend of Zane s, and they d made the ringspermanent.The proprietor, Tudor, had even insisted theythrow an impromptu wedding reception right there in thetattoo parlor.When Ty and Zane had escaped the revelry,Tudor had been waltzing with Amelia, and Deuce and Livihad been considering getting inked.The tattoo Ty now had on his ring finger was the simplewrapped infinity symbol Zane had drawn, but when he moved53 his middle finger, it revealed an anchor woven in.A hiddenreminder of what Zane was to him.Zane s was the exact samething, only with a simplified compass incorporated in.Zane had rambled about the symbolism as he d addedthe compass and anchor with his Sharpie, about how theywere both different things to each other and different peoplebut part of the same thing.Ty had been too distracted by theutter ridiculousness of how much that tiny needle hurt onthe webbing of his finger to engage in philosophy at the time. Ty, Zane whispered against Ty s ear. Have you gottendistracted by something? Yeah, Ty murmured, then grinned. My husband.Zane grabbed Ty s arm and turned him around, pushinghim against the door and kissing him possessively. Thatsounds so good when you say it.Ty raised an eyebrow and nodded. I ll be sure to screamit later.After I show you your surprise.Zane took a deep breath.Ty got the door unlocked andshoved it open, pulling Zane into the row house.It was thefirst time he d set foot in there for over a week.Their planhad been to come here to gather some clothes for Ty, but Tyhadn t quite divulged all the information he had.Zane was silent as he followed Ty into the living room,looking around as if he thought Ty s surprise might be aliveand need a litter box.Ty spread his arms wide, beaming at Zane in thehalf-light. It s clear. What? I killed the bugs, Ty said with pride in his voice thatprobably wasn t deserved, considering he d gotten rid of thelistening devices by pretending to be the clumsiest ex specialforces person ever.54  The house is clear? Zane asked, a smile growing as helooked around the row house again.Ty nodded. I know we wanted to use them to seedinformation, but it s been almost two weeks, and. It wasn t working, I know, Zane finished for him. Thatmeans I can come home?Ty sighed in relief [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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