, Abigail Roux The Archer (pdf)(1) 

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.The next step would,of course, be getting them to follow him.But the Archer liked to take one nearlyimpossible step at a time.He lay there despairing as to what to do, thinking perhaps that the best movewould be to simply expose himself and hope they didn t kill him.Remy seemed opento the idea of joining him.Perhaps he could take Remy into his confidence and makean ally of him, not as the man Remy knew, but as the Archer.If anything, Remy wasloyal to him.To all of them, really.It could possibly work.It could possibly beforcing Remy into choosing between his loyalties, though.That, or Remy would gointo a rage and kill him and solve that problem.That certainly wasn t very appealing.As he thought through his situation, it hit him suddenly.Gray Kincaid wassupposed to be in Brisbane, lying low.He could put in a call to Gray and get him toput on a little performance, something to point them in the right direction.Yes! Thatwas it! He would just have to figure out how to contact him without raising anysuspicion.And he would have to do it quickly.Finally, with his plan in place, the Archer drifted off into a restless sleep.XII.NIKOLAUS S head hurt.In fact, his entire body ached with the very distinct pain offatigue.He hated having to move again that morning, but they were better off safethan sorry, as Thiago had put it.They moved one at a time to the new location; anempty flat Brandt kept in Brisbane.It was nice, and Nikolaus found himselfwondering why a rambling pyro like Brandt had a nice uptown flat instead of a shackin the outback or a hole he d blown in the ground somewhere.It was a pleasantsurprise, though it left Nikolaus feeling slightly uneasy for some reason he could notdefine.Nikolaus, Remy, Brandt, and Carl sat at a café table outside, a few blocks The Archer 217Abigail Rouxfrom the flat, their various notes, maps and whatnot spread about them haphazardly asthey discussed their next move. What does Shawn think of it? Brandt asked as he lounged in his chair andwatched the other patrons of the café nonchalantly.Remy shifted uncomfortably and looked at them all carefully.Nikolaus knewRemy had to be sore after the treatment he had gotten the night before, but hewondered if that was the reason the other man couldn t sit still or if it was nerves. Shawn won t go for it, Remy said finally Then why are we discussing it? Brandt asked coolly. We re discussing it because I want you to know what we ll be differingfrom with the plan I ve been trying to formulate, Remy responded testily.Nikolaus glanced at Carl worriedly.Remy and Brandt had been snapping atone another all morning, and they d just barely been able to restrain themselves whenShawn had been present.If they started sniping at one another without him there torein them in, Nikolaus didn t think he and Carl would be able to put a lid on it beforethey attracted unwanted attention.Nikolaus leant forwards when Remy started cursing inventively. You fucking motier foux, you kicked me! Remy hissed as he leant downand rubbed his shin. Fuck you, you fucking mad fuck. Remy! Carl admonished, his eyes sliding to a mother with two smallchildren sitting several tables away. You re gaining some undue attention, hehissed. Let s try to avoid stepping into a minefield, okay? Mines? Brandt repeated with interest as he zeroed in on Carl.Nikolaus andthe other two froze and looked at Brandt warily.His eyes gleamed suddenly withrenewed passion and Remy and Carl both edged away as they watched him. Down, boy, Remy said as he put a tentative hand on Brandt s forearm andpatted him carefully.Brandt and Remy looked at one another, their eyes narrowedand their lips twitching briefly before they were both snickering quietly. Sorry I kicked you, Brandt snickered finally. Yeah well, sorry I  fucked at you, Remy responded with a smirk.This gotthem all snickering again, and when they calmed down finally all the tension wasgone from their little group.Nikolaus sat back and looked around at the other patronsidly as the waitress came to bring their food.He supposed there were advantages tobeing half-crazy.The mother and her two kids hadn t noticed them.There were severalcouples sitting around, lost in their own worlds, and a group of young ladies satstaring at the four of them intently.Nikolaus smirked at them and they giggled andblushed in an amusing manner. 218 The ArcherAbigail RouxAt the next table, a man sat reading a newspaper and rocking his headslightly to the music coming from his little white iPod.Nikolaus s eyes lingered onhim, thinking he looked vaguely familiar.His red hair was shaggy, and his beardlooked as if it needed a trim, but other than that, the portion of his face that Nikolauscould see was fairly unremarkable.Nikolaus shook his head and returned his attentionto the others. Should we not wait for the others to talk about this plan of yours? Carlasked as he unwrapped his silverware.He and Nikolaus seemed to be thinking alongthe same lines.He wanted Shawn there to crack the whip if the discussion went southagain.Remy looked at him appraisingly, and Brandt shrugged and looked off into thedistance disinterestedly [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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