, Word Studies in the New Testament Vol 1 & 2 (Marvin R Vincent) 

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.In the temple, during thenight, the captain of the temple made his rounds, and the guards had to riseat his approach and salute him in a particular manner.Any guard foundasleep on duty was beaten, or his garments were set on fire.CompareRevelation 16:15:  Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments.The preparations for the morning service required all to be early astir.Thesuperintending priest might knock at the door at any moment.The Rabbisuse almost the very words in which scripture describes the unexpectedcoming of the Master. Sometimes he came at the cockcrowing, sometimesa little earlier, sometimes a little later.He came and knocked and theyopened to him (Edersheim,  The Temple ).37.Watch.The closing and summary word is the stronger word of verse35: Be awake and on guard. 257CHAPTER 141.The feast of the passover and the unleavened bread (tosca kairdou pistikh~v).The meaning of pistikh~v is greatlydisputed.The best authorities define it genuine or unadulterated: purenard.Brake.Possibly by striking the brittle neck of the flask.This detail ispeculiar to Mark.4.To what purpose, etc.See on Matthew 26:8.5.Murmured (ejnebrimw~nto).See on Mark 1:43.6.Good.See on Matthew 26:10.7.And whensoever ye will, etc.Note Mark s amplification.8.She hath done what she could (o[ e]scen ejpoi>hsen).Lit., what shehad she did.Peculiar to Mark.She is come aforehand to anoint (proe>laben muri>sai).Lit., sheanticipated to anoint.Rev., hath anointed beforehand.The verb muri>zw isfound only here.11.Money.See on Matthew 26:15. 258He sought (ejzh>tei).Imperfect tense.He kept seeking: busied himselfcontinuously from that time.Conveniently (eujkai>rwv).Might find a good opportunity (kairo>v).13.A man.A slave probably, whose business it was to draw water.SeeDeuteronomy 19:11.Pitcher.Of earthenware: kera>mion from ke>ramov potter s clay.14.My guest-chamber (kata>luma> mou).Luke 22:11.The word is notclassical, and as used by an oriental signifies a khan or caravanserai.Hence inn at Luke 2:7.My chamber.It was a common practice that morethan one company partook of the paschal supper in the same apartment;but Christ will have his chamber for himself and his disciples alone.15.And he (aujtonon).Lit., strewed with carpets, and with couchesproperly spread.20.Dish (trubli>on).See on Matthew 26:23.23.The cup.The wine was the ordinary one of the country, only red.Itwas mixed with water, generally in the proportion of one part to two ofwater.24.Covenant.See on Matthew 26:28.Is shed (tomenon).Lit., is being shed.This present participle issignificant.To the Lord s mind the sacrifice is already being offered.25.New.See on Matthew 26:29.26.Sung an hymn.See on Matthew 26:30. 25928.Go before.See on Matthew 26:32.30.Cock crow.See on Matthew 26:34.Mark alone adds twice.Deny (ajparnh>sh|).The compound verb signifies utterly deny.31.I will not deny (ouj mh> se ajparnh>somai).The double negative withthe future forms the strongest possible assertion.32.Gethsemane.See on Matthew 26:36.33.To be sore amazed (ejkqambei~sqai).A word peculiar to Mark.Compare 9:15; 16:5, 6.35.Prayed (proshu>ceto).Imperfect tense: began to pray.40.Heavy (katabaruno>menoi).Lit., weighed down: very heavy.41.It is enough (ajpe>cei).Peculiar to Mark.In this impersonal sense theword occurs nowhere else in the New Testament.Expositors are utterly atsea as to its meaning.43.One of the twelve.See on Matthew 26:47; as also on multitude.44.Token (su>sshmon).A later Greek compound used only by Mark inthis passage.Compare shmei~on, Matthew 26:48.The su>n, with, gives theforce of mutual token: a concerted signal.45.Kissed.See on Matthew 26:49.47.The servant.See on Matthew 26:51.Ear (wjta>rion).A word found only here and at John 23:10.See onMatthew 26:51.48.A thief.Rev., better, robber.See on Matthew 26:55, and Mark 11:17. 26051, 52.The incident is related by Mark only.There is no means ofknowing who the youth may have been.Conjecture has named Markhimself, John, James the Just, Lazarus, the brother of Martha and Mary,and St.Paul!51.Linen cloth (sindo>na).The probable derivation is from jIndo>v, anIndian: India being the source from which came this fine fabric used forwrapping dead bodies, and in which Christ s body was enveloped.SeeMatthew 27:59; Mark 15:46; Luke 23:53.54.Palace (aujlhmenov).The verb With the participle denotingcontinuousness.What occurred after occurred while he was sitting.So Rev.Servants.Rev., officers.See on Matthew 5:25.At the fire (prolion).Only here in New Testament.The vestibule,extending from the outside gate to the court.71.Curse (ajnaqemati>zein).Compare on Matthew 26:74; where theword is kataqemati>zein, to call down (katallw, to throw.When he threw his thought upon it. 262CHAPTER 15Compare verses 1-5 with Matthew 27:1, 2, 11-14.7.Them that had made insurrection with him (sustasiastw~n).Fellow-rioters.But the better texts read stasiastw~n, rioters, omitting thesu>n with (fellow): and the Rev.accordingly omits with him.Who (oi[tinev).Denoting a class of criminals.The insurrection.Note the article: the insurrection for which Barabbasand his fellows had been imprisoned.8.Crying aloud (ajnaboh>sav).But the best texts read ajnabaw is to shake.Henceseismo>v, an earthquake.See on Matthew 13:8.Better as Rev., stirred up.Wyc., The bishops stirred the company of people.15.To content (tonon oi+non).Lit., myrrhedwine [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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