, The Secrets to Gaining Muscle Mass Fast (A.Ellis) 

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.) f& Glutamine (1 tsp.) f& Glutamine (1 tsp.) f& 25 mg ephedrinef& Vitamin C (1,000 mg) f& Vitamin C (1,000 mg) f& Vitamin C (1,000 mg) f& 300 mg aspirinf& Chromium Piccolinate(200mcg)©Cutting Edge Publishing 1999, 2000 All rights reserved www.musclegaintips.com 219 From the Desk of A n t h o n y E l l i s My New ProgramMass Diet 170 lbs.Weight Training Days (20x bodyweight, 40%-30%-30%) Non-Weight Training Days (20x bodyweight, 40%-30%-30%)Daily Goal 3,400 340 Daily Goal 3,400 340255 113 255 113Calories Protein (g) Carbs (g) Fat (g) Calories Protein (g) Carbs (g) Fat (g)Meal A (Stack A) Meal A (Stack A)1 Myoplex 300 42 25 2 1 Myoplex 300 42 25 22 tbsp Udo's 264 0 0 28 1 Precision Protein 100 20 2 1564 42 25 30 1.5 tbsp Udo's 198 0 0 21Meal B (Stack B) 598 62 27 24Meal B2 (creatine)1 Myoplex 300 42 25 21 Precision Protein 100 20 2 11 Precision Protein 100 20 2 14 eggs 300 24 4 201 tbsp Udo's 132 0 0 141.5 cup brown rice 327 6 69 31 Ultra Fuel 400 0 100 0727 50 75 24932 62 127 17Meal C (Stack C)Meal C (Stack C)7 oz.Chx breast 245 56 0 77 oz.Chx breast 245 56 0 71.5 cup brown rice 327 6 69 31.5 cup brown rice 327 6 69 3572 62 69 10572 62 69 10Meal DMeal D1 Myoplex 300 42 25 22 Precision Protein 200 40 4 23 rice cakes 105 3 21 04 eggs 300 24 4 201 tbsp.Udo's 132 0 0 14500 64 8 22537 45 46 16Meal EMeal E6 oz.Chx breast 210 48 0 67 oz.Chx breast 245 56 0 71 cup of veggies 50 2 5 11/2 cup of rice 109 2 23 1260 50 5 71 cup of veggies 50 2 5 1Meal F (Stack D)404 60 28 93 Precision Protein 300 60 6 3Meal F (Stack D)2 tbsp Udo's 264 0 0 283 Precision Protein 300 60 6 3564 60 6 312 tbsp Udo's 264 0 0 28564 60 6 31Daily total 3,402 339 251 114Daily total 3,392 340 240 117Stack A Stack B Stack C Stack Df& Glutamine (1 tsp.) f& Phosphagen HP (1 serving) f& Multi vitamin f& Glutamine (1 tsp.)f& Vitamin C (1,000 mg) f& Glutamine (1 tsp.) f& Vitamin C (1,000 mg)f& Vandyl Sulfate (20 mg) f& Vitamin C (1,000 mg)f& Vandyl Sulfate (40 mg)f& Ultra Fuel©Cutting Edge Publishing 1999, 2000 All rights reserved www.musclegaintips.com 220 From the Desk of A n t h o n y E l l i s My New ProgramFat loss Diet 170 lbs.Weight Training Days (10x bodyweight, 45%-40%-15%) Cardio Training Days (10x bodyweight, 45%-40%-15%)Daily Goal 1,700 191 28 Daily Goal 1,600 180 27170 160Calories Protein (g) Carbs (g) Fat (g) Calories Protein (g) Carbs (g) Fat (g)Meal A (Stack A) Meal A (Stack A)1 soy protein 60 15 0 0 1 soy protein 60 15 0 01 Precision Protein 100 20 2 1 1 Precision Protein 100 20 2 12 cups of popcorn 62 2 12 0 2 rice cakes 70 2 14 1222 37 14 1 230 37 16 2Meal B (Stack B) Meal B (Stack B)4 oz.Chx breast 140 32 0 4 4 oz.Chx breast 140 32 0 41.5 cup brown rice 327 6 69 3 1.5 cup brown rice 327 6 69 3467 38 69 7 467 38 69 7Meal C (Stack C) Meal C (Stack C)3 egg whites 48 9 0 0 2 egg whites 32 6 0 01.5 cup brown rice 327 6 69 3 1 cup of brown rice 218 4 46 2375 15 69 3 250 10 46 2Meal D Meal D1 Soy protein 60 15 0 0 1 Soy protein 60 15 0 01 Precision Protein 100 20 2 1 1 Precision Protein 100 20 2 12 rice cakes 70 2 14 1 2 rice cakes 70 2 14 1230 37 16 2 230 37 16 2Meal E Meal E4 oz.Chx breast 140 32 0 4 4 oz.Chx breast 140 32 0 41 cup of veggies 50 2 5 1 1.5 cup of veggies 75 3 8 2190 34 5 5 215 35 8 6Meal F (Stack D) Meal F (Stack D)1 soy protein 60 15 0 0 1 soy protein 60 15 0 01 Precision Protein 100 20 2 1 1/2 Precision Protein 50 10 1 11/2 tbsp Udo's 66 0 0 7 1/2 tbsp Udo's 66 0 0 7226 35 2 8 176 25 1 8Daily total 1,710 196 175 26 Daily total 1,568 182 156 27Stack A Stack B Stack C Stack D Thermo Stackf& Betagen (1 scoop) f& Betagen (1 scoop) f& Multi vitamin f& Betagen (1 scoop) f& 200 mg Caffeine (Vivarin)f& Glutamine (1 tsp.) f& Glutamine (1 tsp.) f& Glutamine (1 tsp.) f& 25 mg ephedrinef& Vitamin C (1,000 mg) f& Vitamin C (1,000 mg) f& Vitamin C (1,000 mg) f& 300 mg aspirinf& Chromium Piccolinate(200mcg)©Cutting Edge Publishing 1999, 2000 All rights reserved www.musclegaintips.com 221 From the Desk of A n t h o n y E l l i s My New ProgramMass Diet 180 lbs.Weight Training Days (20x bodyweight, 40%-30%-30%) Non-Weight Training Days (20x bodyweight, 40%-30%-30%)Daily Goal 3,600 360 Daily Goal 3,600 360270 120 270 120Calories Protein (g) Carbs (g) Fat (g) Calories Protein (g) Carbs (g) Fat (g)Meal A (Stack A) Meal A (Stack A)1 Myoplex 300 42 25 2 1 Myoplex 300 42 25 22 tbsp Udo's 264 0 0 28 1 Precision Protein 100 20 2 1564 42 25 30 2 tbsp Udo's 264 0 0 28Meal B (Stack B) 664 62 27 31Meal B2 (creatine)1 Myoplex 300 42 25 21 Precision Protein 100 20 2 11 Precision Protein 100 20 2 14 eggs 300 24 4 201 tbsp Udo's 132 0 0 141.5 cup brown rice 327 6 69 31 Ultra Fuel 400 0 100 0727 50 75 24932 62 127 17Meal C (Stack C)Meal C (Stack C)8 oz.Chx breast 280 64 0 88 oz.Chx breast 280 64 0 81 cup brown rice 218 4 46 21.5 cup brown rice 327 6 69 3498 68 46 10607 70 69 11Meal DMeal D1 Myoplex 300 42 25 22 Precision Protein 200 40 4 24 rice cakes 140 4 28 03 Rice cakes 105 3 21 01 tbsp.Udo's 132 0 0 144 eggs 300 24 4 20572 46 53 16605 67 29 22Meal EMeal E8 oz.Chx breast 280 64 0 88 oz.Chx breast 280 64 0 81 cup of rice 218 4 46 21 cup of veggies 50 2 5 11 cup of veggies 50 2 5 1330 66 5 9548 70 51 11Meal F (Stack D)Meal F (Stack D)3 Precision Protein 300 60 6 33 Precision Protein 300 60 6 32 tbsp Udo's 264 0 0 282 tbsp Udo's 264 0 0 28564 60 6 31564 60 6 31Daily total 3,573 356 258 123Daily total 3,602 367 261 120Stack A Stack B Stack C Stack Df& Glutamine (1 tsp.) f& Phosphagen HP (1 serving) f& Multi vitamin f& Glutamine (1 tsp.)f& Vitamin C (1,000 mg) f& Glutamine (1 tsp.) f& Vitamin C (1,000 mg)f& Vandyl Sulfate (20 mg) f& Vitamin C (1,000 mg)f& Vandyl Sulfate (40 mg)f& Ultra Fuel©Cutting Edge Publishing 1999, 2000 All rights reserved www.musclegaintips.com 222 From the Desk of A n t h o n y E l l i s My New ProgramFat loss Diet 180 lbs.Weight Training Days (10x bodyweight, 45%-40%-15%) Cardio Training Days (10x bodyweight, 45%-40%-15%)Daily Goal 1,800 203 30 Daily Goal 1,700 191 28180 170Calories Protein (g) Carbs (g) Fat (g)Calories Protein (g) Carbs (g) Fat (g)Meal A (Stack A)Meal A (Stack A)1 soy protein 60 15 0 01 soy protein 60 15 0 01 Precision Protein 100 20 2 11 Precision Protein 100 20 2 12 cups of popcorn 62 2 12 02 cups of popcorn 62 2 12 0222 37 14 1222 37 14 1Meal B (Stack B)Meal B (Stack B)4 oz.Chx breast 140 32 0 44 oz.Chx breast 140 32 0 41.5 cup brown rice 327 6 69 31.5 cup brown rice 327 6 69 3467 38 69 7467 38 69 7Meal C (Stack C)Meal C (Stack C)3 egg whites 48 9 0 03 egg whites 48 9 0 01.5 cup brown rice 327 6 69 31.5 cup brown rice 327 6 69 3375 15 69 3375 15 69 3Meal DMeal D1 Soy protein 60 15 0 01 Soy protein 60 15 0 01 Precision Protein 100 20 2 11 Precision Protein 100 20 2 11/2 tbsp Udo's 66 0 0 72 rice cakes 70 2 14 12 cups of popcorn 62 2 12 0230 37 16 2288 37 14 8Meal EMeal E4 oz.Chx breast 140 32 0 44 oz.Chx breast 140 32 0 41 cup of veggies 50 2 5 11 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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