, Jeffrey Schultz Critical Companion To John Steinbeck, A Literary Reference To His Life And Work (2005) 

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.Time, December 20, 1963,196028. A Teddy Bear Called Miz Hicks, News Chronicle,January 18, 1960.1964 Have We Gone Soft? New Republic, February 15,  A Letter from John Steinbeck. San Francisco and1960, 11 15.Los Angeles: Roxburghe and Zamorano Clubs, Steinbeck Replies, Newsday, March 1, 1960, 27.1964. Our  Rigged Mortality. Coronet, March 1960, 144. A Letter from Steinbeck. The Thinking Dog s Man, A Primer on the Thirties. Esquire, June 1960, 85 93.edited by Ted Patrick.New York: Random House, Atque Vale. Saturday Review, July 23, 1960, 13.1964, 3 10. Chronological Bibliography of Steinbeck s Works 373In Memoriam V.Pascal Covici, 1888 1964.New York:  Letters to Alicia, Newsday, December 3, 1966 MayMeriden Gravure Company, 1964, 19 20.20, 1967. John Every. John Emery.Zachery Scott.Privately1967printed, 1964.200 copies.A Tribute.Foreword.In Hard Hitting Songs for Hard-Hit People. The Pure West. Montana, the Big Sky Country: Offi-Compiled by Alan Lomax.New York: Oak Publi-cial Publication of the Montana Territorial Centennialcations, 1967, 8 9.Commission 1, 1 (1964): 6 9, 30, 35.Text from A Warning to the Viet Cong Keep New Year sTravels with Charley.Truce or Else, Los Angeles Times, January 1, 1967, A President,.Not a Candidate. Democratic Con-C2.vention Program Book Committee (1964). Challenge to Soviets, Newsday, January 5, 1967, 5, 75. Open Seasons on Guests. VIP: The Playboy Club Steinbeck in Vietnam:  Pravda Called Me an Accom-Magazine February 1964, 20 21.plice in a Murder, But Do They Know the Facts? Letter to Samuel Tankel, Publisher.Short Story Inter-Daily Sketch, January 6, 1967, 6.national 1, 6 (April 1964). Hungarians Criticise Steinbeck, Newsday, January The Language of Courtesy. New World Review 3223, 1967.(December 1964): 26. Soviet Youth Answers the Great Steinbeck. Pam-phlet.(Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada: Northern1965Book House, 1967). Steinbeck s Letter to the Author. Modern Fiction John Steinbeck vs.Erle Stanley Gardner ( CampingStudies (Spring 1965): 75 78.Is for the Birds ).Popular Science, May 1967, 160, Then My Arm Glassed Up. Sports Illustrated,204 205.December 20, 1965, 94 96, 99 102.Quotation Weekly Messenger (of the Presbyterian Hos- Letters to Alicia, Newsday (November 20, 1965 Maypital in the City of New York) (May 29, 1967).28, 1966). John Steinbeck to a Russian Friend. Reader s Digest1966(British edition), August 1967, 41.America and Americans.New York: Viking Press, 1966. A Day, a Mood, a Faith. Good Housekeeping, Decem- How Steinbeck s Religious Career Ended. Salinasber 1967, 82 83.Californian, February 26, 1966, 16.1968 The Waiter Is Liable to Lose Face, Newsday, Febru- Minority Rights and Majority Power. In Politics ofary 28, 1966, 35.Literature, edited by Henry Holland, Jr.Englewood The Short-Short Story of Mankind. Broadside, JuneCliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall 1968, 146 148.1966, 14. America and the Americans. Saturday Evening Post,1969July 2, 1966, 33 38, 40 41, 44, 46 47.Journal of a Novel.New York: Viking Press, 1969. An Open Letter to the Poet Yevtushenko, Newsday,July 11, 1966, 3.1975 Let s Go After the Neglected Treasures Beneath theA Life in Letters.New York: Viking Press, 1975.Seas. Popular Science, September 1966, 84 87.Viva Zapata! New York: Viking/Compass 1975. My Dear Friend Genya. Reader s Digest, September19761966, 128.Condensed from  An Open Letter toActs of King Arthur and His Noble Nights.New York:the Poet Yevtushenko, Newsday, July 11, 1966.Farrar, Straus & Giroux 1976. Popping Off. Cavalcade, September 1966, 28. Henry Fonda. Harper s Bazaar, November 1966, 215.1988 The March Hare Mother. Library Journal, DecemberThe Harvest Gypsies.Berkeley, Calif.: Heyday Books1966.1988.Reprint of  Their Blood Is Strong (1938). John Steinbeck s America. Newsday, November12 19, 1966.Seven essays from America and 1989Americans.Working Days.New York: Viking Press, 1989. ALPHABETICAL BIBLIOGRAPHYOF STEINBECK S WORKSThis bibliography is an alphabetical listing of all of the B Ballantine Ale. Life, January 26, 1953, 92 93.works contained in the Chronological Bibliography. Baubles. Monterey Beacon, January 5, 1935, 7. Black Man s Ironic Burden. Negro History Bulletin,AApril 1961, 146. About Ed Ricketts. Preface to The Log from the Sea The Bomber Our Best Weapon. Science Digest,of Cortez.New York: Viking, 1951, vii lxvii.July 1943, 62 66.Condensed chapter from Bombs According to Steinbeck. Time, December 21, 1962.Away.Text from Nobel Prize Speech.Bombs Away.Photographs by John Swope.New York:Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights.New York:Viking Press, 1942.Farrar, Straus & Giroux 1976. Breakfast. Pacific Weekly, November 9, 1936, 300. Adlai Stevenson and John Steinbeck Discuss the Past Bricklaying Piece. Punch, July 27, 1955, 92.and the Present. Newsday, December 2, 1959,34 35. Adventures in Arcademy: A Journey into the Ridicu-Clous Stanford Spectator, June 1924, 291. The Cab Driver Doesn t Give a Hoot, Daily Mail, Aerial Engineer. Scholastic, December 6, 1943, 17 18.(London) August 14, 1956. The Affair at 7, Rue de M  Harper s Bazaar, April California: The Exploding State. Sunday Times1955, 112, 202, 213.Text from Le Figaro.Colour Section (London), December 16, 1962, 2. Always Something to Do in Salinas. Holiday, June Camping Is for the Birds. Popular Science, May 1961,1955, 58 59, 152 153, 156.26.America and Americans.New York: Viking Press, 1966.Cannery Row [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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