, HackersEncyclopedia 

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.) Jonathan Littman wrote his own version, with the helpof Mitnick, entitled _The Fugitive Game_.Also inspired the most objective retelling, _TheCyberthief and the Samurai_, by Jeff Goodell (who can be contacted at jg@well.sf.ca.us).While he obviously cannot be directly reached by email as he is in federal prison, 2600maintains a mailbox for him where they forward him interesting data and fan mail atkmitnick@2600.com.[Handle came from the 1975 Robert Redford movie _Three Days ofthe Condor_, about an ex-CIA guy who escapes the government, in part by manipulatingthe phone system.]MOD [Motto: "Summa Sedes Non Capit Duos," Latin, literally "The Highest Does Not SeatTwo," figuratively "There is Only Room for One at the Top;" a reference to the LOD/MODstruggle]- MOD, a New York rival of LOD, was known at various times as Masters ofDeception and Masters of Disaster, I suppose depending on their mood.Its currentmembership is Acid Phreak, Scorpion, Nynex Phreak, HAC, Wing, Outlaw, Corrupt,Supernigger, Red Night, Seeker, Lord Micro, Crazy Eddie, Zod, Peaboy, n00g1e, EllaCinders and Plague, and previous members have included Thomas Covenant and PhiberOptik.(List provided by Acid Phreak.) Southwestern Bell busted them and some wound upin jail.It was formed when Phiber Optik was kicked out of LOD, supposedly because of hisego.He then formed MOD and recruited some of his friends.They were a major exceptionto the stereotype of the hacker as a wealthy, suburban white dude.They had what wasdescribed by some as a "hacker war" with LOD until they got busted, when there wassomething of a truce and LOD sort of made up.Well, at least they made up with PhiberOptik.They are still around, at least according to their web page, which of course claimsthey are reformed.They can currently be reached at mod@gti.net.[Besides the acronym,the term also supposedly refers to being like a second iteration of LOD; "M" is after "L,"get it? However, I got that out of an excerpt on the Net from Quittner¹s book, and I don¹tknow how much truth is in it.] Definitely not to be confused with the Amiga sound format.mod. MODEM [MOdulator/DEModulator]- Hardware that allows digital info to be carried overanalog lines.The first modems were acoustic (usually 300 bps); you had to put the phonereceiver on the modem.The current standard speed is 14.4 kbps.(Phone lines can hold amaximum of 35 kbps.) ISDN modems are becoming more and more common.(Eventhough ISDN modem is an oxymoron; ISDN is already digital, and a modem by definitionconverts digital to analog.)MODULATOR/DEMODULATOR [MODEM]- see MODEM [MOdulator/DEModulator]_MONDO 2000_- "Cyberpunk" magazine.Successor to a short lived zine entitled _RealityHackers_.Never as good as it should have been.The three major brains behind it wereR.U.Sirius (AKA Ken Goffman), St.Jude (AKA Jude Milhon) and Bart Nagel, all of whichhave since resigned, at least as editors.Timothy Leary was one of the editors, and there¹sa really psychotic dude named Xandor as well.I, like many, think it¹s way too much styleand way too little substance, but it has some good book reviews and interviews aboutweird technology.[From the Italian word "mondo," meaning world; AD 2000 is supposedlythe "expiration date."]MOREU, RAFAEL- Screenwriter for _Hackers_; interviewed many prominent hackers forresearch.According to Acid Phreak, he was less than happy with how it turned out.MORRIS, ROBERT TAPPAN II- Cornell graduate student who created a worm whichexploited the UNIX sendmail bug as an experiment to see how fast it would spreadthrough the Internet; due to a programming error, it went out of control and took downhundreds of computers.MOSS, JEFFERY- see DARK TANGENTNARK- (1) Someone who turns people in to law enforcement.(2) The act of turning in someone to law enforcement.NATIONAL INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE [NII]- see NII [National InformationInfrastructure]NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY [NSA]- see NSA [National Security Agency]NECRON 99- see URVILENEIDORF, CRAIG- see KNIGHT LIGHTNINGNEON KNIGHTS- see METAL COMMUNICATIONS NERD- Derogatory term for a computer geek; has been adopted as a badge of honor forsome.Reminds that no matter how cool the stuff we do with computers is, we¹re stillgeeks, so get over it [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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