, Blake, William Complete Poetry And Prose 

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.After the Host, follow, theChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| Shipman, the Haberdasher, the Dyer, the Franklin, the PhysicianChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| the Plowman, the Lawyer, the [Poor] Parson, theChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| Merchant, the Wife of Bath the Cook.the Oxford Scholar.ChaucerChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| himself & the Reeve comes as Chaucer has describedChaucerPro[2nd]quote; E569| "And ever he rode hinderest of the rout"ChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| These last are issuing from the Gateway of the Inn the CookChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| & Wife of Bath are both taking their mornings draught ofChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| comfort.Spectators stand at the Gateway of the Inn & areChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| composed of an old man a woman & childrenChaucerPro[2nd]; E569| ED; E571|ED; E571| XIt1456ED; E571| [PUBLIC ADDRESS]ED; E571|PA-N65; E571| PAGE 65PA-N65; E571| Chaucers Canterbury PilgrimsPA-N65; E571| Being a Complete Index of Human CharactersPA-N65; E571| as they appear Age after AgePA-N51; E571| [Public Address] PAGE 51PA-N51; E571| [Engravd by William Blake tho Now Surrounded by Calumny & Envy]PA-N56; E571| [Public Address] PAGE 56PA-N56; E571| This Day is Publishd Advertizements to Blakes CanterburyPA-N56; E571| Pilgrims from Chaucer.PA-N56; E571| Containing Anecdotes of Artists.Price 6*dPA-N11; E571| [Public Address] PAGE 11PA-N11; E571| If Men of weak Capacities [in Art] have alone thePA-N11; E571| Power of Execution in Art Mr B has now put to the test.If toPA-N11; E571| Invent & to Draw well hinders the Executive Power in Art & hisPA-N11; E571| Strokes are still to be Condemnd because they are unlike those ofPA-N11; E571| Artists who are Unacquainted with Drawing [thePA-N11; E571| accompanying] is now to be Decided by The Public[.] Mr B sPA-N11; E571| Inventive Powers & his Scientific Knowledge of Drawing is on allPA-N11; E571| hands acknowledgd it only remains to be Certified whetherPA-N11; E571| [The Fools hand or the] Physiognomic Strength & Power isPA-N11; E571| to give Place to Imbecillity [and whether an unending xxxxxdxPA-N11; E571| xxx an unabated study & practise of forty Years[---] for IPA-N11; E571| devoted myself to Engraving in my Earliest Youth [---] arePA-N11; E571| sufficient to elevate me above the Mediocrity to which I havePA-N11; E571| hitherto been the victim]PA-N11; E571| I account it a Public Duty respectfully to address myself toPA-N11; E571| The Chalcographic Society & to Express to them my opinion thePA-N11; E571| result of the incessant Practise & Experience of Many Years That PA-N11; E571| Engraving [is in a most wretched state (of) arising fromPA-N11; E571| an] opinion that DrawingPA-N11; E572| spoils an Engraver [which opinion has been held out to me byPA-N11; E572| such men as Flaxman Romney Stothard It] I request thePA-N11; E572| Society to inspect my Print of which Drawing is the Foundation &PA-N11; E572| indeed the Superstructure it is Drawing on Copper as PaintingPA-N11; E572| ought to be Drawing on Canvas or any other [table]PA-N11; E572| & nothing Else* I request likewise that the SocietyPA-N11; E572| will compare the Prints of Bartollouzzi Woolett Strange &c withPA-N11; E572| the old English Portraits that is withPA-N11; E572| the Art as it Existed Previous to the Enterance of Vandyke &PA-N11; E572| Rubens into this CountryPA-N11; E572| & I am sure [ofPA-N11; E572| the] [the] Result will be thatPA-N11; E572| the Society must be of my Opinion that Engraving by LosingPA-N11; E572| Drawing has Lost all Character & all Expression without whichPA-N11; E572| Art is Lost.PA-N51[b]; E572| [Public Address] PAGE 51PA-N51[b]; E572| In this Plate Mr B has resumed the style with which he setPA-N51[b]; E572| out in life of which Heath & Stothard were the awkward imitatorsPA-N51[b]; E572| at that time it is the style of Alb Durers Histries & the oldPA-N51[b]; E572| Engravers which cannot be imitated by any one who does notPA-N51[b]; E572| understand Drawing & which according to Heath & Stothard FlaxmanPA-N51[b]; E572| & even Romney.Spoils an Engraver for Each of these Men havePA-N51[b]; E572| repeatedly asserted this Absurdity to me in condemnation [P 52]PA-N51[b]; E572| of my Work & approbation of Heaths lame imitation Stothard beingPA-N51[b]; E572| such a fool as to suppose that his blundering blurs can be madePA-N51[b]; E572| out & delineated by any Engraver who knows how to cut dots &PA-N51[b]; E572| lozenges equally well with those little prints which I engravedPA-N51[b]; E572| after him five & twenty Years ago & by which he got hisPA-N51[b]; E572| reputation as a DraughtsmanPA-N51[b]; E572| The manner in which my Character both as an artist & a Man may be seen particularlyPA-N51[b]; E572| in a Sunday Paper cald the Examiner Publishd in BeaufortPA-N51[b]; E572| Buildings.PA-N52; E572| [P 52] & the manner in which I have routed out the nest of villainsPA-N52; E572| will be seen in a Poem concern[in]g my Three yearsPA-N52; E572| Labours at Felpham which I will soon Publish.Secret Calumny &PA-N52; E572| open Professions of Friendship are common enough all the world PA-N52; E572| over but have never been so good an occasion of Poetic Imagery[.]PA-N52; E572| When a Base Man means to be your Enemy he always begins withPA-N52; E572| being your Friend [Descriptive Catalogue P 53] Flaxman cannot deny that one of thePA-N53[b]; E572| very first Monuments he did I gratuitously designd for him how much ofPA-N53[b]; E572| his Homer & Dante he will allow to be mine I do not know as hePA-N53[b]; E572| went far enough off to Publish them even to Italy [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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