, Reyna Eisenstark Progressivism (2010) 

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.minimum standards.referendum Submission of a pro-territory A geographical areaposed law to direct popular vote.under the jurisdiction of a sover-reform A movement aimed at re-eign state.moving political or social abuses.third party candidate A personregiment A troop of army soldiers.running for office who is not aregulation Rules and laws by member of either of the twowhich businesses must abide.major political parties the Demo-cratic Party and Republican Party.segregation The separation ofgroups, especially based on race.timberland Land that is coveredwith trees and shrubs.socialism In Marxist theory, thetype of governmment that ap- transcript A written record of dic-pears after the proletariat, ortated or recorded speech.workers, takes over the means oftrust A group of independent orga-production, but before the statenizations formed to limit competi-withers away and true commu-tion by controlling the produc-nism is achieved; the state ownstion and distribution of a productall property and controls theor service.economy.unethical Not conforming toSocialist Party A political party inapproved standards of social orthe United States that advocatedprofessional behavior.public ownership of major indus-unpatriotic Showing a lack of lovetries, such as the railroads, the oilor devotion to one s country.industry, and the steel industry.veto The power of the president tosocial worker A person whosereject a law passed by Congress.work applies social theory and re-search methods to study and im- workers compensation Pay-prove the lives of people, groups, ments made to workers who haveand society.lost their jobs. Selected BibliographyAdams, Katherine H., and Michael L.Cefrey, Holly.The Sherman Antitrust Act:Keene.Alice Paul and the American Getting Big Business Under Control.Suffrage Campaign.Champaign: Uni- New York: Rosen Publishing, 2003.versity of Illinois Press, 2007.Chace, James.1912: Wilson, Roosevelt,Taft and Debs The Election ThatAddams, Jane.Twenty Years at HullChanged the Country.New York:House.New York: New AmericanSimon & Schuster, 2005.Library Classics, 1999.Clift, Eleanor.Founding Sisters and theAnderson, Judith Icke.William HowardNineteenth Amendment.New York:Taft: An Intimate History.New York:Wiley, 2003.W.W.Norton & Company, 1981.Cooper, John Milton, Jr.Woodrow Wil-Anthony, Susan B.The Trial of Susan B.son: A Biography.New York: Knopf,Anthony.Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity2009.Books, 2003.Crook, Paul.Darwin s Coat-Tails: EssaysArthur, Anthony.Radical Innocent:on Social Darwinism.New York:Upton Sinclair.New York: RandomPeter Lang Publishing, 2007.House, 2006.Dickens, Peter.Social Darwinism: Link-Auchincloss, Louis.Theodore Roosevelt.ing Evolutionary Thought to SocialNew York: Times Books, 2002.Theory.London: Open UniversityBaker, Jean A.Sisters: The Lives of Ameri-Press, 2000.can Suffragists.New York: Hill &Dudley, William.Social Justice.Farming-Wang, 2006.ton Hills, Mich.: Greenhaven Press,Barry, Kathleen.Susan B.Anthony: A2005.Biography of a Singular Feminist.Eisenach, Eldon J., ed.The Social and Po-Bloomington, Ind.: 1st Books Library,litical Thought of American Progres-2000.sivism.Indianapolis, Ind.: HackettBausum, Ann.Muckrakers: How IdaPublishing, 2006.Tarbell, Upton Sinclair, and LincolnFlanagan, Maureen A.America Reformed:Steffens Helped Expose Scandal, In-Progressives and Progressivisms,spire Reform, and Invent Investigative1890s-1920s.New York: OxfordJournalism.Des Moines, Iowa: Na-Books, 2006.tional Geographic Children s Books,Fradin, Dennis Brindall, and Judith Bloom2007.Fradin.Jane Addams: Champion ofBenson, Michael.William Howard Taft.Democracy.New York: Clarion Books,Minneapolis, Minn.: Lerner Publica-2006.tions, 2007.Freedman, Russell.Kids at Work: LewisBerson, Robin.Jane Addams: A Biogra-Hine and the Crusade Against Childphy.Westport, Conn.: GreenwoodLabor.Boston: Clarion Books, 1994.Press, 2004.Garraty, John.Teddy Roosevelt: Ameri-Bohannon, Lisa Frederkisen.Failure Iscan Rough Rider.New York: Sterling,Impossible: The Story of Susan B.2007.Anthony.Greenville, N.C.: MorganGiddings, Paula J.Ida: A Sword AmongReynolds, 200l.Lions: Ida B.Wells and the CampaignBrands, H.W.Woodrow Wilson.New Against Lynching.New York: AmistadYork: Times Books, 2003.Press, 2008.113 114 Progressivism*'Gifford, Catolyn De Swarte, and Amy R.Jane Addams Hull House Association.Slagell, eds.Let Something Good Be Available online: http://www.hull-Said: Speeches and Writings of Fran- house.orgces E.Willard.Champaign: UniversityJohn Muir Trail.Available online: http://of Illinois Press, 2007.johnmuirtrail.orgGinzberg, Lori.Elizabeth Cady Stanton:Kahn, Gordon, and Al Hirschfield.TheAn American Life.New York: Hill andSpeakeasies of 1932.Milwaukee, Wis.:Wang, 2009.Glenn Young/Applause Books, 2005.Glowacki, Peggy, and Julia Hendry.HullKaplan, Justin.Lincoln Steffens.NewHouse.Mount Pleasant, S.C.: ArcadiaYork: Simon & Schuster, 2004.Publishers, 2004.Koutras Bozonelis, Helen.A Look at theGoldberg, Vicki.Lewis W.Hine: ChildrenNineteenth Amendment: Women Winat Work.New York: Prestel Publish- the Right to Vote.Berkeley Heights,ing, 1999.NJ: Enslow Publishers, 2008.Gore, Al.An Inconvenient Truth: TheKraft, Betsy Harvey.Theodore Roosevelt:Crisis of Global Warming.New York:Champion of the American Spirit.Viking Juvenile, 2007.New York: Clarion Books, 2003.Gornick, Vivian.The Solitude of Self:Learner, Michael A.Dry Manhattan: Pro-Thinking About Elizabeth Cady Stan- hibition in New York City.Cambridge,ton.New York: Farrar, Strauss, & Mass.: Harvard University Press,Giroux, 2006.2008.Gould, Lewis L., ed.Bull Moose on the Lieurance, Suzanne.The ProhibitionStump: The 1912 Campaign Speeches Era in American History.Berkeleyof Theodore Roosevelt.Lawrence: Uni- Heights, N.J.: Enslow Publishers,versity of Kansas Press, 2008.2003.Gould, Lewis L.The William Howard Taft Linn, James Weber.Jane Addams: A Biog-Presidency.Lawrence: University of raphy [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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