, Know your Enemy Robert Henry Williams 

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.S.flag and turned back to death or slavelabor camps.Can the public trust Mark Clark after his conniving in or con-doning such a mass crime?In the Air Forces, the ruthless Lieut.General Curtis Le Mayhas been placed in command of our entire Strategic Ai r Arm, themost powerful striking force in the world.It is only reasonable that we should be uneasy with thesemen of alien blood in such positions of power.In case of revolu-tion will they help the Christians or will they help the Reds?The Anti-Defamation LeagueThe ramifications of this invisible machine are almost be-yond the comprehension of the gentile mind.Aside from the increasing volume of known operations per-formed by the ADL, we know a great deal of its hidden activitiesboth from circumstantial evidence and from certain of its publica-tions.Its bulletins advertise and promote such notorious Com-munist party liners as Carey McWilliams and Norman Corwin.I have a photostat of a 12-page confidential letter issued by theADL to its principal contributors in 1945, and also a bookletFighting Anti-Semitism on the American Front, 1947, picturingoperations which far exceed those of the Communist party properand with access to facilities which the Communist party as suchcannot command.While all other Zionist and Communist organi-zations, including those known to work closely with the Anti-De-famation League, promote both racial and economic Marxism, theADL, for the most part, confines itself to the racial program,which is the backbone of the world revolution.Broadly speaking its activities* can be divided into four majoroperations:1.It conducts a propaganda program which is essentially aduplicate of that of the Communist Civil Rights Congress andthe official Zionist body, the American Jewish Congress.Infact, the biggest single branch of the ADL is its Civil RightsDepartment, championing all the vicious measures which inflamethe minority races against us and take from us such pricelessrights as the right to hire persons of our own kind without* I have analyzed them at length in The Anti-Defamation League and ItsUse in the Worl d Communist Offensive, 1947, and FEPC and the Minority Machine,1950.-43- asking an FEPC commission.It provides free motion picturefilms for public schools, churches and other bodies, advancingthe idea that the white people must not separate themselves fromcolored races.These films, including Sing a Song of Friendshipand Boundary Lines, at first glance appear innocent and Christian,but in fact they are having the most devastating effect on theAmerican populace, making the American forget the import-ance of preserving his own family and race, making those of ourleaders who see the trick, afraid perhaps to speak up, lest they bedenounced as bigots by their own deluded people.The Commun-ists support this ADL work, and when Congressman John Rankin(in 1949) introduced a resolution in Congress to make member-ship in the ADL illegal, the Communist Civil Rights Congressin Los Angeles called a meeting to defend the ADL.The ADL boasts that it has 10,000 ministers using its material.Mr.J.EdgarHoover has estimated that some such number of ministers are Communists or aidingCommunism (principally in the Judaized Federal Council of Churches).ADL films are in almost every city school system in the industrial statesanesthetizing American children to the dangers of racial encroachment, shamingany who try to warn them that Communism aims to destroy Whites.The Communist Party makes its paramount undertaking the subjugation ofthe white race under various disguises and pretexts.In a statement to the Jew-ish people on page 8 of the June, 1950, issue of the official Communist monthly,"Jewish Li f e" a party-line spokesman stated:"Our job as Jewish Communists is to take the lead in educating the Jewishmasses on the meaning of white chauvinism and to enroll the Jewish communityin an all-out fight against chauvinism.This is paramount in our work in the strugglefor Negro rights.This is vital to the struggle of the Jewish people for their ownsecurity and future."The Anti-Defamation League is doing precisely the same thing stirringNegroes and Jews to hatred of Whites, while destroying restrictive covenantsand imposing suppressive measures, such as FEPC, on the white race.The ADL'spropaganda for tolerance makes millions of Americans unwilling to see that theCommunist revolution is Jewish.Behind the "Tolerance" CurtainWhile asking us for religious tolerance (and hardly anyAmerican objects to a Jew's religion, his worship of God), theADL nevertheless inspired the film, Best Years of Our Lives, inwhich a young fellow cast to look like a hero knocked downanother American because the latter invited him to join a strictlyChristian veterans organization.(The threat to Christianity wasso obvious the film had to be altered.)While attacking "group prejudice," the ADL' s underling,Philip Perlman, appointed as Solicitor General, went before NewDeal-appointed federal judges and succeeded in destroying thelegal standing of restrictive covenants, those islands of peaceand culture in which some Anglo-Saxons have tried to preserverace and freedom [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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