, How To Pick Up Women (2000).ve3 

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.If you want to get with her, the trick is to trick her into seeing you as other than a competitor.And the old saying goes - you never have a second chance to make a first impression.The following technique that we're about to share with you will work wonders: (She won't know what hit her!) Many con artists throughout history have applied something similar to achieve their goals.Based on human psychology, the same concept carries over easily into today's relationship arena.Make her think that you think that she's the shit.She's the star of the show and you're the devoted fan.Play dumb to a certain extent.Think Joey from Friends.She is the shit, and you're like a puppy dog on a leash, happy - your tongue hanging out - giving her the impression that all you want out of life is to have her pat your head and scratch your ears.You'll follow her anywhere that she goes.You never try to outshine her - you're never a show-off and you never reveal your own ego to her.Keep in mind that when playing to a woman's ego, you're definitely not playing hard to get.This is because she thinks that she's the shit and she expects the guy that she gets with to think that she's the shit as well.So, early on, if you play hard to get with this type of girl you may easily insult her pride.Save "hard to get" for down the road (it's your surprise weapon if she ever suddenly shows a loss of interest in you [see "Senoritas Escandalosa"]).You are playing the seducer's game to perfection.It is a mirror-effect of sorts.You've studied this woman from a distance and you've realized her superior ego and super-star delusions by the way she carries herself.Her disdain for egotistical guys, her high ideals, and her belief that the world revolves around her.Your next step then is to make a mirror for her psychological pursuits, letting her glimpse what she can be - a super-star.This mirror has several functions: Satisfying her ego by giving her a reflection to look at, you've focused on her so exclusively that you've given her the feeling that you exist for her alone.Surrounded by a world of scheming guys who only have their own self-interest at heart, she can't fail to be touched by your devotional focus.Your mirror has set up an ideal for her to live up to: she's a super-star.To a woman with a super ego, nothing can be more intoxicating than to have someone hold up an idealized reflection of her.This is the power of the seducer's mirror: By doubling the ideals of this woman, it shows your attention to her psychology, an attention more charming than any aggressive pursuit.Casanova attributed his success in life to his ability to concentrate on a single goal and push at it until it yielded.It was his ability to give himself over completely to the women he desired that made him so intensely seductive."The man who intends to make his fortune in this ancient capital of the world [Rome] must be a chameleon susceptible of reflecting the colors of the atmosphere that surrounds him.He must be supple, flexible, insinuating, close, inscrutable, often base, sometimes sincere, sometimes perfidious, always concealing a part of his knowledge, indulging in but one tone of voice, patient, a perfect master of his countenance, as cold as ice when any other man would be all fire."MEMOIRS Giovanni Casanova 1725 - 1798Chapter VNICE GIRLS: EASY AS 1, 2, 3COPYRIGHT © 2OOO, 3 A.M.PUBLISHING ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDAn attractive, nice girl is a sensitive subject: She needs to be approached with a little finesse.Usually nice girls are the shy ones, and if you're an outgoing male with elements of style, a nice girl is probably going to put up a wall if she thinks that you're a typical male who's more interested in sex than anything else.So to get in on her, you need to come through her psychological back door.The following technique, although scene specific, actually paints a good picture if you look at it as it applies to the whole.Bottomline, this is a technique to bring down a woman's walls.The First Meeting:The first time that you meet a girl (through friends or co-workers, for example) realize that you'll more than likely see her again at some point.So on this first meeting exercise some self-control and put the dog inside you in check.Control your eyes, control your posture - be professional - don't appear to be thinking of her in any way that's sexual.You're only talking to her because the two of you have mutual friends and it's the courteous thing to do.Don't spend too much time with her and don't ask for her phone number.(If she asks for yours, great.) Do remember her name and something about herself that she may have mentioned or that you picked up on.The Second Meeting:You'll score some bonus points with the girl if a period of more than a few days has gone by and you're able to remember her name.Keep in mind that this is a nice girl.What do we know about nice girls? They're usually in college or out of college, they don't drink much and they usually don't smoke, and when they were younger they may have been into reading romance novels.If you remember her name after only meeting her once, there's a good chance that she'll be mildly impressed.She's interested in a guy that can score points with her.On this second meeting it's still important to be professional, but talk with her a while longer than you did the first meeting.Give her a little more attention [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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