, [dcpp][Bidemare][Costruzione][Eng] Rhino Marine Design Tutorial 

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.4 In the Blend Bulge dialog box, click OK to accept the defaults.5 Repeat these steps for each two adjacent edges (4 blends in all).177 Rhino Marine: Offshore Racing Power BoatJoin and check the hullOnce you have blended all four edges (2 per strake), join everything and check forunjoined edges.Finished bottom with strakes, joined.No unjoined edges.Step-by-Step: Join and check the hullJoin the surfaces1 Select all the surfaces.2 Use the Join command to join the surfaces into one polysurface.Check for unjoined edges1 Select the bottom polysurface.2 Start the ShowNakedEdges.Only the sheer, centerline and transom edges should highlight.Show the hull naked edges.178 Rhino Marine: Offshore Racing Power BoatTrim the hull to the transom surfaceTrim the aft edge of the polysurface to the transom surface.Trim the hull to the transom.Step-by-Step: Trim the hull to the transom surfaceTrim the aft edge of the bottom polysurface to the transom1 Select the transom.2 Start the Trim command.3 At the Select object to trim & prompt, select the aft edge of the bottompolysurface.The bottom polysurface should trim to the transom.Trim the hull to the transom.If it does not trim, explode the hull surface and use the ExtendSrf command toextend surfaces beyond the trimming surface and then trim.4 Save your work.Marry the bottom with strakes into the hull modelCopy the bottom panel to the Clipboard, open Offshore.3dm, delete the two bottomsurfaces from that model, and paste the bottom panel from the Clipboard.179 Rhino Marine: Offshore Racing Power BoatMirror and join the surfaces into one closed polysurface with no unjoined edges.Finished hull with strakes added.Step-by-Step: Marry the bottom with strakes into the hull modelCopy the hull bottom from the Strakes model to the Offshore model1 In Strakes.3dm, select the bottom polysurface.2 Press Ctrl+C to copy the selected surface to the Clipboard.3 In Offshore.3dm, use the ExtractSrf command to separate the bottomsurfaces on both sides of centerline from the hull.4 Delete the two bottom surfaces.5 Press Ctrl+V to paste the contents of the Clipboard into the current model.6 Leave the bottom surface you just pasted selected for the next step.Paste the new bottom into place.Mirror the pasted bottom1 Use the Mirror command to mirror the bottom surface.2 In the Front viewport, at the Start of mirror plane & prompt, type 0.180 Rhino Marine: Offshore Racing Power Boat3 At the End of mirror plane & prompt, drag the mirror plane up along the z-axis.Mirror the bottom halves.Join the hull surfaces1 Select all the hull surfaces.2 Start the Join command.3 Check the command prompt area to be sure all surfaces/polysurfaces werejoined into a single polysurface.Check for unjoined edges1 Use the ShowNakedEdges command to check the joined hull for unjoinededges.There should be no unjoined edges.Join all the hull parts.2 Save your work.Add the cockpit and cabinTo begin the cockpit, you will work from two models, similar to the way you createdthe running strakes.Set up the modelsSave the finished hull model Offshore.3dm as Deck.3dm.Extract the deck surface and delete all other geometry.The second model you willwork from is called Deck Lines.3dm.This is a simplified lines drawing of just thedeck, cockpit and cabin.181 Rhino Marine: Offshore Racing Power BoatPrepare the deck lines drawing for export similar to the way you prepared the hulllines for export.Rotate the profile so its world top y-dimensions become world top z-dimensions.Move the plan so its centerline is at Y=0.Be sure not to move either viewlongitudinally.There is no body plan, so it is not necessary to rotate that view as youdid with the hull lines.The prepared model Deck Lines.3dm should resemble the illustration below.Deck lines prepared for export.Step-by-Step: Set the models upPrepare the deck model1 Open Offshore.3dm.2 Use the SaveAs command to create a new model called Deck.3dm.3 Turn on all layers.4 Use the Show command to show all hidden objects.5 Select the joined hull polysurface.6 Use the Invert command to deselect the deck surface and to select everythingelse in the model.7 Delete the selected objects.Extract the deck surface1 Start the ExtractSrf command.2 At the Select surfaces to extract & prompt, select the deck surface.3 Use the Invert command to deselect the deck surface and to select everythingelse in the model.182 Rhino Marine: Offshore Racing Power Boat4 Delete the selected objects.The deck surface.5 Save your work.Prepare the deck lines drawing1 In Deck Lines.3dm, select all the profile curves.2 Start the Rotate command.3 At the Center of rotation & prompt, type 0.4 At the Angle or first reference point & prompt, type 0.5 At the Second reference point & prompt, with the Right viewport active, type90.Move the plan curves to the centerline1 Select the plan curves.2 In the Top viewport, start the Move command [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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