, Callan Book 5 [Stage 9 & 10] (3) 

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.we mean that he has great confidencein himself, or in his ability to do something.WHAT DO WE MEAN WHEN WE SAY WE SPEAK TO SOMEONE INCONFIDENCE ? When we say we speak.we mean we speak to them in secret.990 DRAG wlec FIGURATIVE MEAN TO SAY FALL BEHIND ociągać się(się),ciągnąć przenośny chcieć powiedzieć pozostawać w tyleBIT kawałek, odrobina COME ON / zbliżyć się, nadejśćWHAT BASICALLY DOES THE WORD "DRAG" MEAN ? Basically, the word"drag" means to pull something heavy along, or to move slowlyWe can also use the word "drag" in a figurative sense, e.g."Whatever you do, don'tdrag me into the argument"GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE OF THE WORD "DRAG" USED FIGURATIVELY.You mean to say that you've dragged me allthis way just to show me that!WHAT WOULD I MEAN IF I SAID "THE FILM WAS QUITE GOOD, BUT ITDRAGGED A BIT IN THE MIDDLE" ? / If you said "The film was." you wouldmean that it moved a little slowly and heavily in the middle.WHAT DOES A MOTHER MEAN WHEN SHE'S OUT WALKING WITH HERCHILDREN AND SHE SAYS "COME ON NOW, DON'T DRAG BEHIND" ?When a mother's out with.and she says "Come on now."she means that she wants her children to keep near herand not walk slowly and so fall behind and get lost.991 FLASH błysk LIGHTNING THUNDER THUNDERSTORMbłyskać się błyskawica grzmot burzaAPPROACH THUNDER ROLL PASS (time) ONCE MOREzbliżyć się, odejście grzmot się rozlega upłynąć jeszcze razWhen there's a thunderstorm, we first see the flash of lightning, then later, after a fewseconds, we hear the thunder, even though, in fact, the thunder and lightninghappen at the same time.The reason for the delay in hearing the thunder is thatsound travels more slowly than light/ WHY IS IT THAT IN A THUNDERSTORM WE FIRST SEE THE FLASH OFLIGHTNING, THEN, AFTER A DELAY OF A FEW SECONDS, WE HEARTHE ROLL OF THUNDER ? The reason that in a.is that soundtravels slower than lightIf we want to find out whether the storm is approaching us or going away from us, allwe have to do is count the number of seconds that pass between seeing the flash oflightning and hearing the thunder roll, and then, when the lightning flashes a secondtime, to count once more.If, the second time, the number of seconds we countbetween seeing the lightning and hearing the thunder is greater than the first time,then the storm is moving away; if, on the other hand, the number of seconds is less,then the storm is approaching./992 HOW CAN WE FIND OUT IF A STORM IS APPROACHING US OR GOINGAWAY FROM US ? We can find out if.by counting the number of seconds thatpass between seeing the flash of lightning and hearing the thunder roll.SIGNAL sygnałWHAT AM I DOING ? You're making a signal for someone to stopSLIP SLIDE CRASHpoślizgnąć się, przesunąć się poślizgnąć się, ześlizgnąć się trzask, grzmotCRUSH ONOMATOPOEIA BANANAzgnieść, rozgnieść onomatopeja bananSKIN (of a fruit) skórka z owoca CONNECTION2600 połączenie, związekThere are many words in English that give us an idea of their meaning by their sound.This connection between sound and meaning is known as onomatopoeia.Forexample, we have the two words "slip" and "slide" which are both similar inmeaning, but the word "slip", which has a short, quick sound, we generally use for ashort, quick action like slipping on a banana skin in the street, whilst the word"slide", which has a longer and slower sound in its pronunciation, we generally usefor a longer and slower action like snow sliding down the side of a mountain./ 993 Another two examples of onomatopoeia can be seen with the words "crash" and"crush".For example, "The glass fell on the floor with a crash" and "He crushedthe letter angrily in his hand".WHAT DO WE MEAN BY ONOMATOPOEIA? By onomatopoeia we mean theconnection between the sound and the meaning of a wordGIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, PLEASE !/ An example is "slip" and "slide".We use"slip" for a short, quick action, like slipping on a bananaskin, whilst we use "slide" for a longer, slower action,like snow sliding down the side of a mountainWHAT KIND OF SOUND DOES THUNDER MAKE WHEN IT BREAKS ?Thunder makes a crashing sound when it breaksWHAT AM I DOING? You're crushing a piece of paper in your handSLIGHT drobny, mały, nieznaczny UNIMPORTANT nieważny994 WHAT DO WE MEAN BY A "SLIGHT HEADACHE" OR A "SLIGHT DELAY" ?By a "slight headache" or a "slight delay" we mean a headachewhich's not very strong, and a delay of a very few minutesWHAT THEN DOES THE WORD "SLIGHT" MEAN ?/.light, little, unimportantAS - AND ITS DIFFERENT USES WHILE chwila, podczas gdyThe different uses of the word "as" are as follows:-1) With the meaning of "when" or "while", e.g.As I was coming to school it wasraining.2) Used to show a reason for something, e.g.As Mr.Green has not arrived yet, letus go and have a drink whilst we are waiting.3) With the meaning of "in the same way", e.g.Try and do it exactly as I havedone it4) In comparisons, e.g.I am as tall as my father.It is not as (or so) easy as itappears.5) In the construction "the same.as", e.g.His hair is the same colour as mine.6) In the construction "such.as", e.g.He is not such a bad fellow as he appearsto be. 7) Used when giving examples, e.g.We study all sorts of subjects, such as history,science, art, mathematics etc./995 TELL ME THE SEVEN DIFFERENT USES OF THE WORD "AS", PLEASE !AND GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE OF EACH [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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