, Andrei Val'terovich Grinev The Tlingit Indians in Russian America, 1741 1867 (2005) 

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.After some time they [the Indians] agreed to this, but only2930l.15331if we give them two amanaty and I found it necessary to risk this for the following32reasons.If they give two boys of nearest relation to the chief toion, it can con-33sequently be expected that ours will not be in danger among them; we have a34big need of Kolosh interpreters, all the negotiations having to be conducted now35through Kolosh women who live with Russians, who are devoted to theirs [their36kinsmen], {and so} translate not that which they should, but relate everything to37the Koloshi that we are doing, of which we have been convinced more than once.38This can be averted when our amanaty learn the Kolosh language.The Koloshi,39 who have given their amanaty for security, will give up their barbaric intentionsDocumentary Appendix 287 1 and will more often go and trade with the Russians, will bring more goods.Thus,for these chief reasons I decided to give them two of our Creole boys.The 17th2of December [1818] Koloshi from the Kokoantan clan arrived in three boats with3up to 50 men; in many negotiations with great ceremony we exchanged amanaty4with their chief toion Tsoutok; he gave his nephews, who [Tsoutok] swore with5his crew to live until his death in friendship with the Russians and to help each6other in everything.Since then the Koloshi began to come to us more, to bring7wares, sometimes to bring here [to Novo-Arkhangel sk] with them our amanaty.8So far they have been treated well, {and} should be in the future, but nevertheless9there is never a guarantee, because they do not have occasion to harm us.1011l.153ob.12[288], (8The Koloshi took the amanaty with them to show them in Kutenov [Kootzna-13hoo]; finally they came to us again to ask to exchange amanaty, and they will14give us two girls.I did not want to consent to this, but our boys [amanaty] veryLines: 3115much requested that we redeem them and one fell ill from vered [illness of the16  capillaries].Thus, on the 11th of April [1819], also with a great ceremony, they0.772417were exchanged and two girls of the nearest relation to the toion were accepted  18from them; they are now retained by us.Since among the local people dancing isNormal19a great passion, they taught our boys to dance in their way better than they dancePgEnds:20 themselves; now they [the boy amanaty] understand their conversation, but onlya little.I want to give one [for learning the language] to the Kolosh elder who21lives among us.22[288], (823Notes241.It is the matter of two Russian promyshlenniki who were killed by Tlingit of the Kaagwaantaan25clan in the spring of 1818.262.The Kaagwaantaan fort was on the shore of the Pogibshii {Peril} Strait (between Chichagof and27Baranof Islands) not far from Novo-Arkhangel sk.2829{7} RGA VMF, f.1375, op.1, d.2./Copy/30Under the Highest patronage of His Imperial Majesty31of the Russian-American Company from the Board of Directors32 of the Russian-American Colonies33 to the Governor, Fleet Captain-Lieutenant and CavalierMatvei Ivanovich Murav ev3435l.163637From the report of the manager of the colonies M[r.] Yanovskii of the 16th of April381819, under N 319, the Board of Directors of the Company noted that he, with39 the inclination of the friendship of the Chief Sitka Toion toward the Russians,288 Documentary Appendix 1 obtained from him, as assurance of this, two amanaty, and in return gave asamanaty two Creole boys with the intention that they learn to converse in the2Kolosh [language].The last step that of the Company to give amanaty under3whatever pretext the Board of Directors considers inappropriate; since this lets4the savages [Indians] note that the Russians fear them and seem equal to them;5which should be shown under no circumstances, rather one should endeavor in6all cases to attain the upper hand, and though to deal mercifully78l.16ob.9with those, who hence-forth show cruelty; but, with proper firmness, peculiar10to educated people, to punish their insurgents according to local circumstances,11their treacherous customs and those views, which must always secure our colonies12[289], (9)and practices [hunting/trade].In communicating such an idea to you the Board13of Directors of the Company will expect that you manage the Koloshi to that14degree of humility, as the Kad iak people [Koniag Eskimos] are managed, thoughLines: 35815in as humanely a manner as possible so it might act upon the barbarians, and16  in this way the integrity of the establishment and people to be rendered to your8.0pt Pg17unremitting care.  18Normal PagN 87 [Directors:] Venedikt Kramer19January 23 Andrei Severin PgEnds: TEX201820 Director of the Office: Zelenin2122[289], (9){8} AVPR, f.RAK, op.888, d.992, l.15 17 /Copy/2324 [1826] No.27, February 3.Report to the Board of Directors[by P.E.Chistiakov]2526l.152728December 6 at 6 o clock in the evening I was alarmed by news through our29interpreter who received the information from arriving Koloshi who had been30fishing near Ozerskii Redoubt, that allegedly on the night of the 5th to 6th Koloshi31 in several boats approached our fortification with the intention of fishing forherring, were hailed several times by our watchmen, but as no answer was given32by them, gun shots followed from our fortification, which forced them to move33away, and by one of these {gunshots} a Kolosh was killed; from the account of the34interpreter I saw clearly that the manager of the redoubt was in need of resorting35to such measure, since he3637l.15ob.3839 could suppose that the Koloshi had the intention of attacking the fortificationDocumentary Appendix 289 1 during the night. Though I did not receive confirmation of this news from theredoubt and heartily wished that it was false, but if it was true, in such case I could2not get news since, because of the early herring run, the Koloshi were temporarily3settled close to our redoubt, a distance of one verst from it, numbering up to 3004people, and by the state of the narrowness of the bay they occupied both shores,5and, as a result, after such an incident the redoubt would find itself under siege,6which in fact happened. On the next day I sent an armed six-oar launch to the7redoubt,89l.1610with an interpreter, under the command of Midshipman Teben kov, in order to11learn about this incident in detail at the redoubt and from the Koloshi; my order12[290], (1to him and his report to me I forward in copy. To my dissatisfaction the news13was true, but thank God, by this time it had no consequences. I summoned14the relatives of the dead man and the toions, who then were {there}, {and} itLines: 3915seemed, succeeded through an interpreter to persuade them of the necessity to16  resort to measures hostile to them, they agreed that they knew the prohibition7.5pt17against approaching the fortification at night and that they were guilty, since they  18heard that they were hailed (according to evidence in the redoubt), but they didNormal19not suppose that shooting might begin. For the killed man I gave his relativesPgEnds:20goods2122l.16ob.[290], (123on the company account for 250 rubles and, it seems, they were satisfied with this [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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