, The Career Survival Guide Dealing with Office Politics Brian O’Connell 

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.c.Agree with your coworker.d.Tell the staff that you didn t have time to do your researchvery thoroughly because of all the other things you wereworking on.7.A coworker has been out on maternity leave.When she brings thenew baby in to meet the office staff, youa.Congratulate her quickly and get back to your work.b.Fuss over the baby while telling her your baby horror sto-ries, i.e.,  My sister s baby was so big that he got stuck onher pubic bone on the way out.c.Excitedly run through the office to tell everyone to  come seeour new employee.d.Stay with her and the baby until she leaves.8.The coworker who was out on maternity leave comes back towork.The staff decides to take her to lunch to celebrate herreturn.Youa.Eat lunch at your desk to get work done.b.Go to lunch with them and tell your coworker to call you ifshe needs anything.c.Go to lunch with them and tell your coworker that sheshould join the gym to get that baby weight off.d.Go to lunch with them and have two beers.Continued THE CAREER SURVIVAL GUIDE 1179.A department director complains to your boss about somethingyou did.Your boss calls you into her office to discuss the com-plaint.Youa.Go back to your desk and enroll the complaining directoronto 15 different Internet porn e-mail lists.b.Apologize repeatedly to your boss and offer to contact thedirector to apologize.c.Burst into hysterical tears.d.Think about something else as your boss talks.10.Every time you deal with the receptionist in the human resources(HR) office, she treats you rudely and never answers your ques-tions.You go to the HR office to get new forms, and the recep-tionist tells you that she doesn t have the forms you need and thatyou ll have to come back next week.Youa.Make a scene and tell the receptionist that she should get offher fat butt and run new copies of the form.b.Thank the receptionist and tell her you ll try to get back therenext week if you can.c.Tell the receptionist that you can t get back there next weekbecause you ll be busy, that you need the forms now becausethe insurance company need the forms by Friday, and that if youdon t get the forms, you will have all sorts of problems and&d.Thank the receptionist for being so rude and walk out.ScoringCount the number of times you chose each letter.If you chose oneletter four times or more, you may be one of the following officetypes.Keep in mind that the more times you chose a specific letter,the more likely you are the type indicated; i.e., 10 a s means youare a total psycho.Four or more a s.You are the office psycho.You work 16 hoursa day every day, including weekends, in part because youContinued 118 THE CAREER SURVIVAL GUIDEwork inefficiently and do not manage your time well.Youexpect your coworkers to work the same way you do, includ-ing long days and weekends.You may be anal retentiveand/or obsessive-compulsive, which you call  detail-ori-ented. You get angry easily and yell at everyone around you.You are probably a manager or director because your bossesappreciate your hard work.However, your coworkers prob-ably hate you, and your staff would like to kill you.You prob-ably have gone through several assistants throughout yourcareer.Your behavior most likely has cost the company manygood people who have left rather than continue working withyou.Seek therapy! There is more to life than work.Four or more b s.You are the office martyr, the patron saint ofthe office.You take on more than your fair share of the work,and then you let everyone know how long-suffering you are.Your coworkers come to you when they need a favor, and youalways say yes, expecting them to return the favor, but theynever do because you never ask.When you get angry, youshow it in a passive-aggressive manner, never directly.Youmay feel unappreciated, and you probably are correct.Youare probably frustrated because people expect so much moreof you, but it is you who allows people to take advantage ofyou.As long as you continue to play martyr, nothing will everchange.Learn to say no and not feel guilty.Also, learn to talkyourself up.Four or more c s.You are the office shrinking violet [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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