, (Ebook English) 2 Macromedia Flash Mx 2004 Getting Started With Flash 

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.When you use the keyboard shortcut for panel controls, focus is applied to a control and thecontrol is activated using the following criteria:" The panel with the current focus must be expanded in order for you to select a control in thepanel with the Tab key.If the panel is collapsed, pressing the Tab has no effect." When panel with the current focus is expanded, pressing the Tab key the first time moves thefocus to the panel options menu." You can use the Right Arrow and Left Arrow keys to move the focus between the options menuand the panel title bar." If the focus is on the options menu, pressing the Tab key again moves the focus through theother controls in the panel.Pressing the Tab key again will not return the focus to the paneloptions menu." When the options menu has the focus, you can press Enter (Windows only) to display theoptions menu items.Accessibility in the Flash authoring environment 41 " In panels that are grouped, you can use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to move the focusbetween the options menus of the panels in the group." You can move the focus to a panel control only if the control is active.If a control is dimmed(inactive), you cannot apply focus to the control.To move the focus from a panel title bar to a panel options menu, do one of the following:" Press the Tab key." Press the Right Arrow key.Press the Left Arrow key or Shift+Tab to return the focus to thepanel title bar." If the panel is in a group, press the Up Arrow key to move the focus to the options menu ofthe panel immediately above the panel with the current focus.Press the Down Arrow key tomove the focus to the options menu of the panel immediately below the panel with thecurrent focus.To move the focus through the items in a panel options menu:1 With the focus currently applied to the panel options menu, press the Spacebar to display theoptions menu items.2 Press the Down Arrow key to move through the items in the options menu.3 Press Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh) to activate the currently selected optionsmenu item.To move the focus through the controls in a panel:1 Press the Tab key when the focus is currently applied to the panel options menu.Press the Tabkey repeatedly to move the focus through the controls in the panel.2 Press Enter (Windows only) to activate the currently selected panel control.Navigating dialog box controls using keyboard shortcuts (Windows only)In Windows operating systems, you can use keyboard shortcuts to navigate controls in dialogboxes.You can move from one control to another, apply controls, or cancel and exit thedialog box.To navigate dialog box controls using keyboard shortcuts, do any of the following:" Press Tab to move through the controls in the dialog box." To move through the controls within one section of a dialog box, press the Up Arrow andDown Arrow keys.For example, in the Spelling Setup dialog box, press the Up Arrow andDown Arrow keys to move through the controls within the Document Options section." When the focus is applied to a dialog box control button such as the OK, Cancel, or Applybutton press Enter to activate the button (equivalent to clicking the button)." When the focus is not applied to any dialog box control button such as the OK, Cancel, orApply button press Enter to apply the current settings and close the dialog box (equivalent toclicking OK)." Press Escape to close the dialog box without applying the changes (equivalent toclicking Cancel)." When the focus is applied to the Help button, press Enter or Spacebar to view the Helpcontent for the dialog box (equivalent to clicking Help).42 Chapter 3: Getting to Know the Workspace Selecting the Stage or objects on the Stage using keyboard shortcutsYou can select the Stage or an object on the Stage using keyboard shortcuts.Selecting the Stagewith a keyboard shortcut is equivalent to clicking on the Stage.Any other element currentlyselected becomes deselected when the Stage is selected.Once the Stage is selected, you can use the Tab key to navigate through all objects on all layers,one at a time.You can select instances (including graphic symbols, buttons, movie clips, bitmaps,videos, or sounds), groups, or text fields.You cannot select shapes (such as rectangles) unless thoseshapes are instances of symbols.You cannot select more than one object at a time using keyboardshortcuts.Objects are selected on the Stage using the following criteria:" If an object is currently selected, pressing Shift+Tab selects the previous object." Pressing Tab the first time selects the first object that was created on the active frame in theactive layer.When the last object on the top layer is selected, pressing Tab moves to the nextlayer beneath it and selects the first object there, and so on." When the last object on the last layer is selected, pressing Tab moves to the next frame andselects the first object on the top layer there." Objects on layers that are hidden or locked cannot be selected with the Tab key.Note: If you are currently typing text into a text box, you cannot select an object using the keyboardfocus.You must first change the focus to the Stage and then select an object.To select the Stage:" Press Control+Alt+Home (Windows) or Command+Option+Home (Macintosh).To select an object on the Stage:" With the Stage selected, press Tab.Navigating tree controls using keyboard shortcutsYou can navigate tree controls, the hierarchical displays of file structures in certain Flash panels,using keyboard shortcuts.You can expand and collapse folders in the tree control and move upand down between parent and child folders.To navigate tree controls with keyboard shortcuts, do any of the following:" To expand a collapsed folder, select the folder and press the Right Arrow key." To collapse an expanded folder, select the folder and press the Left Arrow key." To move to the parent folder of an expanded folder, press the Left Arrow key." To move to the child folder of an expanded folder, press the Right Arrow key.Accessibility in the Flash authoring environment 43 Working with library items using keyboard shortcutsYou can cut, copy, and paste library items using keyboard shortcuts.You can cut or copy an itemfrom the Library panel and paste it onto the Stage or into another library, or paste a folder intoanother library.If you paste a folder, each item in the folder is included.You can use keyboard shortcuts to select a library item.See  Navigating tree controls usingkeyboard shortcuts on page 43Items are cut, copied, and pasted using the following criteria:" You can cut or copy one item or multiple items." You cannot paste a shape from the Stage into the library." You cannot paste a library item into a common library, because common libraries cannot bemodified.However, you can create a new common library.See  Working with commonlibraries in Using Flash Help." When you paste a library item onto the Stage, the item is centered." To paste a library item into a folder in the destination library, you can click on the folderbefore pasting." You can paste a library item into a different location in the same library where it originated." If you attempt to paste a library item into a location containing another item by the samename, you can select whether to replace the existing item [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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